Archive for

Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Diebus Saltem Dominicis: You can’t be surprised by Lent

Our coming Sunday is already Septuagesima.  Let’s do the technical stuff first. Septuagesima slides around from year to year because Easter slides around because the Moon is a bit of a calendrical coquette, or as Juliet calls her, “inconstant”.  Easter is early this year, 31 March.  We celebrate Easter in the Western Churches on the…

At Least On Sunday – “Gaudete” Sunday: Advent – joyfully penitential or penitentially joyful?

This lovely liturgical season of Advent is more than a sentimental journey to the side of the manger with an ox and an ass and some straw strewn around for ambience.  We Christians fast before our feasts with vigils and with whole seasons.  Advent, dressed in violet and not white, is therefore penitential.  We sing…

At Least On Sunday – 2nd Sunday of Advent: From outside and from inside

We might be tempted to ask rhetorically if there was ever a time in the Church when divisions in factions, disagreements between groups was ever so bad as now? On the 2nd Sunday of Advent we hear from Paul’s letter to the Romans. There had been sizeable Jewish community in Rome because of both 2nd…

6th Sunday Remaining after Epiphany: When You love, You Want More 

This penultimate Sunday of the Liturgical Year brings us a pericope from Paul’s 1st Letter to the Thessalonians 1:2-10. Paul’s Letter could be one of his earliest, along with Galatians. Some scholars think it could be the earliest section of the New Testament. Thessalonica is in modern Greece. Paul visited there and converted both pagans…

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