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Are Traditional Masses Being Offered in EU Parliament?

Last week, I received a note from a reader about something totally unexpected. In a blog post here, it is reported:

Thanks to the initiative of a Polish MEP, former Sejm Marshal Marek Jurek, there is now a Catholic Mass in the so-called “extraordinary rite” (i.e. the rite that was in common use prior to 1969, and which was defined as the universally valid rite of the Catholic Church by Pope Pius V following the Council of Trent) on the premises of the European Parliament in Brussels. A first such celebration took place on 4 May, and a second is scheduled this week on Thursday 18th May at 8 a.m. in the “meditation room” ASP 00H152 (located behind the desk of the Office of Tourism, on the ground floor).

This is truly important. The Christian faith is at the center of European culture and identity, and the traditional mass is the quintessential expression of Christian faith. With these celebrations, if they assume a regular character, the European Parliament will at long last be re-establishing a linkage to Europe’s true fundaments.

I’m unfamiliar with the blog making the report, so I’ll put the question to our European readers: do any of you know if this is true? If so, it’s a surprising (but certainly welcome) development. Frankly, I hope this is an ongoing effort, and I’d love to see some photos.

As Belloc said, “The Faith is Europe, and Europe is the Faith.” Sooner or later, Europe is going to have to remember that.

11 thoughts on “Are Traditional Masses Being Offered in EU Parliament?”

  1. Since 2009 the EU has had a de facto constitution called the Lisbon Treaty. In advance of it being ratified Pope Benedict XVI appealed for a reference to Europe’s Christian roots to be included in its text. This was refused. As a result the EU has a steep climb to being a Christian union, in my opinion.

  2. Which raises for me the question of how many Masses of *any* sort are regularly celebrated at the EU Parliament.

  3. There are now more Traditional Rite Masses on the premises of the secular European Parliament than in the chapel of the Roman Pontiff.

    How ’bout that!

  4. Steve, they are probably sending you this kind of information because someone from the EU government became aware of the great popularity of 1P5 among the European Catholics ? Personally, I doubt that in the EU Parliament you can find so many authentic Catholics following the Traditional Latin Mass. Actually, an honest Catholic faithfull would tell you that it is almost impossible to reach such a high sociopolitical standing at the European international level, and at the same time stay faithful to Our Lord; the current EU politics under the leadership of the Protestants and Gnostics don’t go in the same direction with the Word of God. Besides, Angela Merkel leads the EU just as Jorge Mario Bergoglio leads the Catholic Church: they believe it is their private company! However, to have in the future the real TLM in the EU Parliamant with the real Catholic attandees would be a real miracle. Since the God is Almighty… let’s hope for the best! ☺

  5. The Square Frère Orban is 5 minutes walking distance from the EU parliament in Brussels. There you have every day traditional Latin masses, offered by the FSSPX in the Saint Joseph Church. Not in a multifunctional room inside of the devil’s den.

  6. Not sure a (multi-faith) meditation room fulfils the criteria in Cannon 932
    “1. The Eucharistic celebration is to be carried out in a sacred place unless in a particular case >>>necessity requires<<<< otherwise; in such a case the celebration must be done in a decent place.


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