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Actual Headline: “Pope Francis Explains How to Put Up With Annoying People”

The surreality of covering Church news these days is occasionally hilarious.

Rome Reports is running a short piece today under the headline, “Pope Francis Explains How to Put Up With Annoying People“.

I am not making this up:

This week he spoke of one work of mercy that was of much interest: patiently enduring annoying people.


“Immediately we think: How long will I have to endure the laments, gossip, petitions or arrogance of this person?”

He recalled God’s patience with the Israelites in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, he  remembered the pressure Christ received from the mother of two of his own disciples.


“She said to him, ‘Make my two sons sit one on your right and one on your left in your Kingdom.The mother was lobbying for her children.”

The pope said that when it comes to putting up with annoying people, one must remember how many times others have endured their own annoying habits.

He also said this work of mercy offers the opportunity to correct those who are wrong and teach those who mess up or are not aware.

The irony. The absurdity. It’s amazing.

47 thoughts on “Actual Headline: “Pope Francis Explains How to Put Up With Annoying People””

  1. Francis points the finger at others, only to find three pointing back at him.

    He’s painted himself into a corner, and now he’s desperately looking for a way out. He thought he could get away with his “the matter is settled” approach regarding the letter to the Argentinian bishops on AL, but Burke and his three cohorts aren’t letting him off the hook that easily. And if he goes after the cardinals and punishes them/excommunicates them for merely asking for clarification, Francis is going to look just as rigid and inflexible as the people he excoriates each and every day.

    Hopefully, the four cardinals going public has taken the veneer off this papacy and shown it is perfectly acceptable to respectfully question a pontiff without automatically becoming a schismatic or unfaithful Catholic.

  2. He is aware and is doubling down. Everyone, keep praying. The message is getting to him by means of the Holy Ghost (or 1P5), be 100% confident. It’s entirely possible he has a Nebuchadnezzar moment, and sees the absurdity and changes his mind. It’s possible.

    When you feel pushback in prayer for the Holy Father to change course, it’s because the message is getting through.

    Why the “rigidity”? A failed worldview is on trial in the heavenlies. That’s why. And the court will return from recess very shortly.

  3. “Immediately we think: How long will I have to endure the laments, gossip, petitions or arrogance of this person?”

    It sounds very much like trying to play the “victim card.”

    This is a brilliant scenario, but it’s going to be very difficult in the future.

    Here is what is happening before our very eyes: The “Pope of Mercy,” beloved by many, whose words in Amoris Laetitia have been praised throughout the world, is being attacked by “rigid” underlings who do not care about the sheep.

    Amoris Laetitia is magisterial and binds the conscience of the Catholic; therefore, any cardinal who opposes the pope on this is the true schismatic.

    After all, the pope says the Rosary, is going to Fatima, loves others and practices charity, et cetera, et cetera.

    Now the pope is under attack by these miscreants and is teaching the world how to endure their “gossip” and “petitions.”

    Those who are in the pope’s camp, such as Spadaro, Farrell, Cupich, Wuerl, Marx, Kasper, et al., need to step up to the plate to defend him against all the naysayers, who are the true schismatics.

    The fact pattern is diabolic: The true defenders of our Faith are going to be called evil while the evil ones will be called good. Above it all, the suffering victim, in the person of the pope, remains silent and endures it all with patience.

    God help Cardinal Burke, et al. Their task is quite an onerous one.

  4. I saw this earlier today and laughed. It is ridiculous and clearly a shot at the good Cardinal’s who have dared to ask him to speak in a Catholic Manner about Catholic Doctrines.

      • I’ll speak only for myself – I’ve grown incredibly weary of open letters and petitions. We sign one after another and nothing comes of it. We begin acting as though the Church is some democratic institution that should respond to petition drives rather than the will of Almighty God.

        That said, I know that some very good prelates are personally promoting this. I’ll probably force myself to overcome my “bah humbug” reaction and post something about it.

        • I hear what you are saying, but I do not think this is treating the Church like a democratic establishment (which it most certainly is not) but rather a way for the laity and clergy alike to make their suffering for the Faith known to the Hierarchy of the Church. It is a plea for help and an appeal for the members of the Hierarchy to boldly proclaim the Catholic Faith in it’s glorious fullness.

          The Filial Appeal can also be an expression of the Will of Almighty God, can it not? I never sensed any condescension or arrogance in either appeal, only a desire for the Catholic Faith to be better known, defended, supported and loved.

          Furthermore, good did come of the 1st Appeal: it let the Cardinal’s (and faithful Bishops and Priests) know that they are not alone in their desire for the Will of God to be Done in the Church. I can only imagine that the failure of the 2nd Appeal to generate any real support was discouraging to them.

        • In addition to what Fr. RP has said, I’d add that it can be a way for the Church to hear the sensus fidelium. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the prelates out there are as confused as others of the faithful, wondering which way to turn. They are, after all, only marginally better catechized than the average lay person (seminaries have been pretty bad for awhile.) Hearing the cries of the faithful, through these petitions, may just help them. Then again, it might not.

      • Cf. this link: Pro Domine et Ecclesia et Pontifice contra #AmorisLaetitia; Petitions: To the Pope; To all Catholic Cardinals; To all Catholic Bishops
        We don’t support one another enough.
        Even though I have links from on my blog, for reasons I won’t go into now, I generally give them a wide berth. I see no need to sign their petition – I signed the declaration – as the process of Cardinal Burke and his 3 brother Bishops [what they have done is what was and still is incumbent upon ALL the Bishops, not Cardinals, but Bishops, even though all Cardinals are Bishops] who are Cardinals have initiated just needs, as you asked Father, Masses offered and our prayers and sacrifices/fasting.
        Perhaps what each one of us can do is to find out exactly where our own Bishop stands, because for the liberty and exaltation of holy Mother Church when that time comes, the bad Bishops still living will be shown the door.

    • If a petition with a million signatures, including cardinals and bishops, is ignored (the Filial Appeal), this will be too. It’s a waste of time. I pray my rosary for conversion of or removal of Francis instead.

  5. AL “A mixture of opinion and doctrine.” – Card. Burke

    In AL “All too often we are subjected to long tracts of homespun avuncular advice that could be given by any secular journalist without the faith, the sort of thing to be found in the pages of Reader’s Digest, or one of those ‘Lifestyle’ inserts in weekend newspapers.” – Dr. Anna Silvas
    That’s how our pope teaches.

  6. I have my own course of action for dealing with annoying people who are famous: I try to ignore them. I did that with Mrs. Clinton for more than a year and with the pope himself for several now. Unfortunately, some of the things Francis says and does are so outlandish they appear even on Drudge or in secular newspapers and I then fail to avoid him. But, as I say, I limit contact as much as possible to help me sleep more soundly.

    • Ignorance is bliss?

      But whether we like it or not the truth will catch up with us. Especially since in this instance it is the supposed teacher of truth who is circumventing it.

        • I must agree on that point. It really is unsettling. But now I’ve learned by the grace of God to be able to sleep even with all the Pope is cooking.

          All this must come to pass.

          • I remember something both disturbing and consoling. Back when Dale Vree (is he still alive?), then the editor of the New Oxford Review, was still Anglican, he wrote about his experience living in Ulbricht’s East Germany. He was part of a small circle of Christians, in Berlin I believe it was. According to him it was the time in his life of most intense Christian living and feeling; unable to depend on anything in the world, he and his comrades surrendered themselves more fully to Jesus. I’ve never forgotten that essay of his, and on more than one occasion during the recent political campaign I had reason to bring it to mind. Now what Francis seems to be cooking up could be more devastating for the human spirit even than anything Walter Ulbricht ever dreamed of.

  7. The best I can do is LOL LOL LOL.

    Then to say: Do look in the mirror.

    We’d be so lucky if it was merely annoying. But how does one put up with the devilish?

    Funny that: opportunity to correct those who are wrong. Woe to those who dare suggest that it is him who is in error and needs to be corrected.

  8. How long will I have to endure the laments, gossip, petitions or arrogance of this person?”

    The unjust judge comes to mind. Jesus said petition, petition, petition and petition without ceasing.

    There is however the real possibility of getting snake when we ask for fish (Luke 11:11) in this instance.

    Nonetheless, petition without ceasing till we get fish.

    Then there’s the issue of arrogance – the arrogance to think that one is above Scripture and above Tradition. That is supreme arrogance.

    As for the gossip: it is no longer gossip when you berate someone publicly while pretending to be nice.

  9. Reminds us of Henry II as regarding Thomas a Becket: “Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?”

    Perhaps the four Cardinals dissenting AL should get ready for their comeuppance.

  10. “How long will I have to endure the laments, gossip, petitions or arrogance of this person?”

    My thoughts exactly every time Francis goes on a “rigid” rant…………….

  11. >>“Immediately we think: How long will I have to endure the laments, gossip, petitions or arrogance of this person?”<<

    Translation: "Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?"


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