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A Note to Our Benefactors


It was originally reported that a traditional Latin Mass would be offered for our benefactors yesterday, March 1st, by the Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem at their priory in Charles Town, WV.

Through an administrative error, we got the dates mixed up. The Mass was actually celebrated at 11:15 AM today, March 2nd.

I sent a list of the names of all of our benefactors from August to the end of February to the Canons this past Saturday. If you have donated at any point in time, you and your intentions were remembered. (For what it’s worth, in my family, we have also instituted the habit of praying for you, and all of our readers, in our family rosary.)

Going forward, masses for benefactors will be offered on the 2nd of each month for the previous month’s donors. So on April 2nd, there will be a Mass said for the March donors, and so on.

I apologize for any confusion, and thank you all for your tremendous generosity in support of our work.

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