A Clarion Call to Defend Our Lady in Oklahoma City

You may recall hearing about a Satanic “Black Mass” in Oklahoma City last year. We wrote about it here, here, and here. A reader in Oklahoma City writes to inform us that the same people who organized that event are now planning another Satanic event in Oklahoma City on Christmas Eve – and what Catholics there are doing about it:

The Satanist that held the black mass in Oklahoma City last year is at it again. Adam Daniels is planning this Christmas Eve to desecrate a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Entitled “Virgin Birth is a Lie” this Satanist is planning on putting on a show outside St. Joseph’s Old Cathedral in Oklahoma City from 4:30 to 6:15 pm Christmas Eve.

So this is the clarion call. We will be heading down to do whatever I can to stop/block/thwart this. Who will come to defend Our Lady? Who will stand up against blasphemy? Will we be lukewarm and be vomited out of Our Blessed Lord’s mouth, or will we be men? Would you let something like this happen to your mother? I for one will not stand by idly and let this happen to Our Mother. Are we the Church Militant or the Church Cowering and Sniveling? Are we Christeros or are we those who deny the faith for our own ease. So stand and be counted men. Are we men enough to defend our faith or shall we let this disgusting pig publicly blaspheme and commit desecration and sacrilege like a bunch of scared puppies?

So here I ask, who is with me? Who will stand in defense of truth, purity, and good? Who will stand with me in defense of Christ and the Immaculate Conception? Who will be a soldier of Christ with me? The time for talk is over, the time for action is now. Will you join me, men of Christ, or will we offer our pinch of incense to Caesar? What say you?

The plan is to show up 4:00PM, and for Catholic men, in defense of Our Blessed Lady, to occupy the area where this public blasphemy will take place and stand arm-in-arm, praying the Rosary in reparation for this event. We will defend our Mother and His bride, Holy Mother Church. This will be a non-violent event, but we will not back down, much like our Catholic brethren who so bravely defended their Cathedral last year in Argentina from topless rabid feminists bent on desecrating the Cathedral.

Additionally, we would ask all those who cannot attend to work with their priest to have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and non-stop rosaries of reparation and for those who will show up and defend Our Lady. Will we, on the eve of His birth, stand and say enough is enough or will we not? I beseech you to come and stand with us in OKC to defend the faith. God reward you for your charity.

Please sign up for the event at our Facebook Event Page at https://www.facebook.com/events/1576014535971115/

Contact: David Homoney

Email: [email protected]

If you’re in the area, please consider joining them. If not, please pray for the success of their efforts.

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