1P5 Podcasts Now Available on YouTube!


I got an email from a reader (hi Aaron!) recently in which I was informed that a lot of people — especially younger people — are beginning to listen to audio-only podcasts on YouTube. Aaron then graciously offered to convert all of our podcasts to video and upload them to our mostly-unused YouTube channel.

And so he did. And so we have them. You can see our podcast playlist here (click the three lines at the top left to get a list of episodes):

My sincere thanks to Aaron Traas for doing this for me, because I just wouldn’t get to it on my own. Whenever I upload a new podcast, I get a notification an hour or so later that it’s been converted. We now have all 27 episodes up and ready for viewing. (Please say some extra prayers for Aaron and his family as a thank you!)

And if you lose track of this post, you can always get to our YouTube channel by going to www.youtube.com/onepeterfive

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