In this episode of the 1P5 Podcast, Steve takes a look at how far the numbers have increased just one week since the last update. He also examines the situation with public Masses and other sacraments, and an issue that’s going to become more and more common: priests being barred from giving last rites to patients at hospitals, because hospitals are going into quarantine mode.
At the 44:00 minute mark, Steve is joined by Fr. José Miguel Marqués Campo, a priest in Spain, where the virus is already more advanced and more aggressive measures have been taken to stop it. Together, they discuss life under lockdown and the prudential considerations for Catholics without normal access to the sacraments.
At the 1:09:00 minute mark, guest Valerie Lewis, a former health and elderly care worker and current student in the field of geriatric social work discusses issues of care facing the elderly population, those with mental health issues, and children.
This is a podcast that covers a lot of ground as the United States begins the so-called “acceleration phase” of the coronavirus pandemic.
Audio Only Podcast:
Related Links:
- Francois Balloux Thread on Covid-19 (Thread Reader/Twitter)
- John Hopkins Covid-19 Map
- Worldometer Covid-19 Map
- Coronavirus in Italy: 50 priests have died (Aleteia)
- Surgeon general has coronavirus warning: ‘This week, it’s going to get bad’ (NBC)
- Why We Are Not Doing Enough To Stop the Pandemic (in Simple Math) (Medium)
- Why Outbreaks like Coronavirus Spread Exponentially, and how to “Flatten the Curve” (Washington Post)