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1P5 Minute #20 | Legionaries of Christ Facing New Sex Abuse Charges

It’s astonishing that the Legionaries of Christ were not dissolved when it was revealed that their founder, Marcial Maciel, was a monstrous sexual predator who had abused some 60 children and fathered six children by three different women. He is also accused of raping his own biological children.

But the order was allowed to continue to exist, and this week, new allegations have been revealed against three separate LC priests stemming back decades ago — priests the Legion did nothing about.

Also: The head of the Italian bishops’ conference says Catholics who are unhappy with Francis should leave the Church and become Protestant. AND:

Pope Francis makes a critical admission about the Novus Ordo.

1P5 Minute #20 | Legionaries of Christ Facing New Sex Abuse Charges


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