It was the slap heard ’round the world — two slaps in fact — when Pope Francis smacked a female pilgrim in Rome on New Year’s Eve who grabbed his hand and wouldn’t let go.
Was it an isolated incident? Was he justified? Is this part of a pattern of angry behavior?
Those are the questions we seek to answer in this edition of the 1P5 Minute.
- Pope Francis slaps woman’s hand who grabbed him: raw video (YouTube)
- Pope opens New Year with strong condemnation of violence against women (Crux)
- Pope Francis scolds supporter who knocks him over, Mexico (YouTube)
- Pope Swats Nun’s hand (Full video here)
- Disturbing video: Pope Francis refuses to let faithful kiss his papal ring (YouTube)
- Pope Francis – Osorno is suffering because it’s dumb (YouTube)
- Pope Orders Cardinal Müller to Dismiss Three CDF Priests (1P5)
- Did Pope Francis Threaten the Authors of the 13 Cardinals Letter? (1P5)