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“Together Around the Table”: German Catholic Initiative Invites Protestants to Communion

Catholic Initiative in Germany invites Protestants to Communion; lay witnesses call it “heresy”

Ecumenism has gone wrong one more time in Germany and has escalated into denial of the truth about the Eucharist: in the German Diocese, Stuttgart-Rottenburg, an initiative by a Catholic theologian has invited Protestants to receive Communion on a large scale.

“Here on sight, we begin with a hospitable Church by inviting each other openly and cordially to Communion and the Celebration of the Last Supper [Abendmahl]” reads the “Ravensburger Manifesto” signed on October 8.

A press communiqué of “Kirche lädt ein” [The Church invites] stated that “[Eucharistic] hospitality between different Christian confessions is already a practice in many liturgical services. But officially the Catholic Church denies Protestant Christians access to Communion.”

In response, theologian Theodor Pindl initiated an event to help foster “hospitality.”

“From Separation to Sharing – Communion [Abendmahl] for all” was the motto of the initiative “Together around the table” in Ravensburg held on October 8.

160 tables spanning over 400 meters were set up between the Catholic and the Protestant Church, and were attended by people celebrating and sharing bread and wine together. About 2000 Christians took part, among them Catholic religious sisters, theologians, and pastoral workers.

About 2000 guests attended the 160 tables. These were covered with bread, wine and juice. (Image source:; Photo by Felix Kästle)

It was supposed to be a symbolic gesture. But the “symbol” did not end there: An invitation from Catholic priests to Protestants to take part in Holy Mass and receive the Eucharist was paraded as the main message to overcome the “separation” that had endured since the reformation. Father Hermann Riedle, Catholic priest and pastor of Ravensburg, supported this initative. The organizers explicitly make reference to the fact that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, in 2005, had given Holy Communion at the funeral Mass for Pope John Paul II to Roger Schütz, the Protestant founder of the Taizé Community.

This ecumenical initiative goes back a few years: The decision for this event was made in 2013 at the so-called ‘Council of Ravensburg’, a Catholic forum for dialogue and ecumenism.  Since November 2015, every first Sunday of the month a chain of people has formed to hold up a rope connecting the Catholic and Protestant churches of the city.

What began as a seemingly infantile game turned into horrifying reality. Invitations for Protestants to receive Holy Communion followed.

Spokesman of the group “The Church invites” and Catholic theologian Theodor Pindl wrote in October 2016 about the initiative that “denominational walls must be opened.”

“Participants want to express that the Catholic Church needs to approach the Protestant church. It is still forbidden for Catholics – regardless if married to a Protestant or not – from official Church authorities to participate in the Protestant Last supper celebration, despite the fact that Protestants invite them. And Protestant Christians – also regardless if married to a Catholic or not – are not allowed to receive communion, and cannot be invited.”

Yet for Pindl there remains a chance: “The praxis in many parishes actually looks very different,” commenting on the fact that in many Catholic Churches in Germany, parish priests let Protestants receive the Holy Eucharist.

Pindl points out what in his mind is a considerable problem and explains that it is a “paradox, that the Catholic Church punishes specifically those families who connect denominations, who try to live their faith conscientiously together.”

He calls for “active invitation instead of passive toleration.” Since it was the “welcoming spirit of Christ” that led him to “exclude nobody” from his table.

“The Church is not a prohibited area, but a house of the father.” And despite the prohibition from Canon Law, Catholics have to act differently: “There is nothing in the Gospel which would indicate that we can reserve the table for ourselves alone and to exclude others. […] The key word for this is hospitality.”

An eyewitness known to OnePeterFive, a Catholic lady living in the diocese, took her own a look at the event.

“I followed the tables along the road, and wanted to talk to them. Catholics betray their faith, their Church and the un-negotiable truth of the real presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the consecrated host. They do not want to hear what I say. … They advise me not to be dogmatical, not too conservative, and not so knuckle-headed insistent on truth. … [T]hey turn their heads away from my suffering,” explains the witness in a written account that was shared with OnePeterFive.

“My horrifying realization turned into a feeling of anxiety: What happens when lies win, when you speak truth with a few others and everybody stares at you? … It is frightening because the ecclesiastical heresy has entered an unholy union with society and politics. It is frightening to face a collective group which is unified by irresponsible shepherds under a banner that seems to be the Lord, but is not him but rather an image put together by themselves.”

“I walked away from the people,” added the eyewitness, “and went into His house, where no one sat. While bells rang the angelus and outside a prayer ‘of peace’ was prayed, I prayed the angelus. While outside the band plays music around full tables, I sat next to the high altar with the Most Holy Lord and sang the Tantum ergo in the presence of my Lord” (emphasis in the original).

This initiative is promoted by Catholics of the diocese and no word of criticism has been spoken by Bishop Gebhard Fürst. OnePeterFive has reached out to Bishop Fürst asking him to comment on this scandalous event and on the fact that one of his own priests participates in it. We will update this article, should we receive a response.


UPDATE – 10/14/2017: In response to our inquiry, the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart has provided a statement:

English Translation

“In principle, the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart welcomes ecumenical initiatives which strengthen the bond between the confessions and which sends a signal for the common social engagement.

When, however, when in the Ravensburg Declaration, there is to be found an “open and heartfelt” invitation “to Communion and to the Celebration of the Last Supper [Abendmahl]” to all without differentiation, then this is not compatible with the different laws of the Church. Also the Evangelical Church in Württemberg assumes in its regulation concerning participation in the Celebration of the Last Supper [Abendmahlsordnung] that, first of all, the invitation is extended to the members of their own church and to those other churches with which there exists an ecclesial communion; and when it accepts a decision of conscience of the members of other churches, it still refers back to the right of its own church. The open invitation to receive the Eucharist may, according to the Catholic understanding, only be extended to those who are in ecclesial communion with the Catholic Church; Protestant Christians (both male and female) may only receive the Eucharist when there exist certain preconditions and only in individual cases. A general invitation for all is not possible.

This ecclesial communion, however, is not being decided in Ravensburg; a single parish may not make such a declaration. It requires the persevering efforts from both sides, prayers, and the call upon the Holy Spirit. Such a decision may only be made on the level of the Universal Church.

The diocesan leadership therefore cannot identify itself with the initiative in Ravensburg.”


Original Statement in German:

“Grundsätzlich begrüßt die Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart ökumenische Aktionen, welche die Verbundenheit zwischen den Konfessionen stärken und ein Signal für das gemeinsame soziale Engagement aussenden.

Wenn in der Ravensburger Erklärung aber alle ohne Unterscheidung “offen und herzlich zu Kommunion und Abendmahl” eingeladen werden, dann ist das nicht mit den Kirchenordnungen kompatibel. Auch die Evangelische Landeskirche in Württemberg geht in ihrer Abendmahlsordnung davon aus, dass zunächst die eigenen Kirchenmitglieder und diejenigen der Kirchen, mit denen eine Kirchengemeinschaft besteht, zum Abendmahl eingeladen sind, und wenn sie eine Gewissensentscheidung der Mitglieder anderer Kirchen ermöglicht, so verweist sie diese doch auf das Recht ihre Kirche. Die offene Einladung zum Empfang der Eucharistie kann nach katholischem Verständnis nur an diejenigen ergehen, die in Kirchengemeinschaft mit der katholischen Kirche stehen; evangelische Christinnen und Christen können nur wenn bestimmte Voraussetzungen vorliegen und nur im Einzelfall die Eucharistie empfangen. Eine allgemeine Einladung an alle ist nicht möglich.

Diese Kirchengemeinschaft wird aber nicht in Ravensburg entschieden, eine einzelne Gemeinde kann eine solche Erklärung nicht abgeben. Sie erfordert das beständige Mühen von beiden Seiten, das Gebet und die Bitte um den Heiligen Geist. Eine solche Entscheidung kann nur auf weltkirchlicher Ebene getroffen werden.

Die Diözesanleitung kann sich deshalb mit der Aktion in Ravensburg nicht identifizieren.”


71 thoughts on ““Together Around the Table”: German Catholic Initiative Invites Protestants to Communion”

  1. This is probably schism and heresey !Not surprised at cino.chuch in Mich and ab Dinardo in.Houston Tx. allowing ordination of female Protestant clergy in Alleged rc cathedral there… Now this nonsense coming out .of Vatican and cino church nin Europe. .. Smoke of Satan has befallen.the rump cino scarcely Roman Catholic Church in.the rotten cono church in the west.

      • Priest in Michigan church and perhaps the local Bishop allowed this atrocitiy………. In Houston Texas alleged cino ab Dinardo cleared out cathedral Tabernacle in Cathedral there for a FEMALE prot. Minister ordsined there. I cannot make this stuff up.. . … That Dinardo is elected head of cino bishops conf. of USA points out that like Gomez in La Cal. The cino not rc church in the USA is on the Rd. To blasphemy , perdition and hell itself

      • Simple, it’s heresy propagated by certain members of theCatholic Church. She is still alive and well within her faithful, even as church leaders betray her. The Catholic Church may be whittled down to a small group like the early days before it ever gets better. I just know that Truth prevails anyhow. We can’t lose our faith.

      • Also, I wouldn’t consider a Protestant leader’s statements and a rebel priest’s actions any kind of action from Rome. However, they might ignore it, which is nearly bad enough.

  2. Reading this and meditating on that picture of those people stuffing their face I can only think of the controlled anger Christ must have had when he overturned the table of the money changers. As previously referenced in the Letter to the Hebrews, these bastards will have hell to pay.

  3. The Stuttgart-Ravensburg Diocese is the one who gave us Cardinal Kasper, the cardinal introducing the marriage with “two speeds”, before teh two Synods. This year I did visit this diocese. The parish priest was born in that small Schbawisce town and did recall how 2-3 churches had host the 3000 Catholics on Sundays. This priest was in his 50s. As he was preaching, we were less than 50 in the church at Sunday Mass. It is true, in the morning, there has been another Holy Mass, but I doubt it could had been more populated. A “parallel” Church was holding a “Word and Communion” service throuh the female pastoral collaborator. So IMHO, the Catholic German hyerarchy tries to shut 3 rabbits with one shut: repopulate the Catholic Church, ergo atracting the taxes money of the Protestants, perhaps. And third: continuing to introduce the Protestan herresies in the Catoholic Church. P.S. There, in the heart of the Schwabenland, the next town had already a mosque with golden roof.

  4. Marks for good intentions: 10/10

    Marks for prudence and for sane doctrine: 1/20

    They may well mean well, but this is a terrible terrible idea. Martyrs have chosen torment and death rather than do this. Many of the English and Welsh Martyrs could have avoided torture and death, and gained earthly honour, if only they had conformed to the new-made Protestant Church. They did not conform. And now, after brief sufferings, they reign with Christ in Heaven. How many of those who conform to this will reign with Him ?

    • Can you imagine the Church approving nowadays of people dying martyrs instead of burning a bit of incense, “as a symbolic gesture” to the pagan gods? These martyrs would be condemned today as intolerant fanatics with psychiatric issues who propagate hate and so on…

      • Since March of 2020 the Church has demanded that people give a pinch of incense to Ceaser during Mass by making people wear the Demonic masks.

    • Bishop Barron on Oct.14 wrote “WHAT IS HAPPENING AT MASS”? His column will be reprinted in hundreds of diocesan newspapers & parish bulletins.
      According to Los Angeles Aux.Bishop Barron Mass is ”the most beautiful encounter between friends and that it is an anticipation of the play that will be our permanent preoccupation in heaven.It is an encounter with the real flesh and blood person of Christ Jesus, and it’s also a dialogue, a prayer and a play.”
      “The Mass, as an act of union with the highest good, is therefore the supreme instance of play. “

          • Barron has completely insulted Our Lord & and His Mother Mary. Who can make up these heretical statements, and from a prince of the church , no less?

          • I agree with you. Our Lady said 100 years ago yesterday: “Do not offend the Lord our God any more, for He is already too much offended!”

            If God was “too much offended” in 1917, what words can describe how He was and still is offended today?

            Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Adorable Face of Thy Beloved Son, for the honor and glory of Thy Holy Name and for the salvation of all men.

          • In today’s Roman Franciscan Liturgy of Hours this is what ironically appears:A homily of Pope St Gregory the Great
            The performance of our ministry
            Let us listen to what the Lord says as he sends the preachers forth: The harvest is great but the labourers are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into his harvest. We can speak only with a heavy heart of so few labourers for such a great harvest, for although there are many to hear the good news there are only a few to preach it. Look about you and see how full the world is of priests, yet in God’s harvest a labourer is rarely to be found; for although we have accepted the priestly office, we do not fulfil its demands.
            Beloved brothers, consider what has been said: Pray the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into his harvest. Pray for us so that we may have the strength to work on your behalf, that our tongue may not grow weary of exhortation, and that after we have accepted the office of preaching, our silence may not condemn us before the just judge. For frequently the preacher’s tongue is bound fast on account of his own wickedness; while on the other hand it sometimes happens that because of the people’s sins, the word of preaching is withdrawn from those who preside over the assembly.
            With reference to the wickedness of the preacher, the psalmist says: But God asks the sinner: Why do you recite my commandments? And with reference to the latter, the Lord tells Ezekiel: I will make your tongue cleave to the roof of your mouth, so that you shall be dumb and unable to reprove them, for they are a rebellious house. He clearly means this: the word of preaching will be taken away from you because as long as this people irritates me by their deeds, they are unworthy to hear the exhortation of truth. It is not easy to know for whose sinfulness the preacher’s word is withheld, but it is indisputable that the shepherd’s silence while often injurious to himself will always harm his flock.
            There is something else about the life of the shepherds, dearest brothers, which discourages me greatly. But lest what I claim should seem unjust to anyone, I accuse myself of the very same thing, although I fall into it unwillingly – compelled by the urgency of these barbarous times. I speak of our absorption in external affairs; we accept the duties of office, but by our actions we show that we are attentive to other things. We abandon the ministry of preaching and, in my opinion, are called bishops to our detriment, for we retain the honourable office but fail to practise the virtues proper to it. Those who have been entrusted to us abandon God, and we are silent. They fall into sin, and we do not extend a hand of rebuke.
            But how can we who neglect ourselves be able to correct someone else? We are wrapped up in worldly concerns, and the more we devote ourselves to external things, the more insensitive we become in spirit.
            For this reason the Church rightfully says about her own feeble members: They made me keeper of the vineyards, but my own vineyard I have not kept. We are set to guard the vineyards but do not guard our own, for we get involved in irrelevant pursuits and neglect the performance of our ministry.
            Why can’t Bishop Barron stick with his breviary?

          • You’re cute. ????

            Seriously, though, there’s a Franciscan usage, Dominican usage so I wouldn’t be surprised if the Jesuits had their own breviary.

          • I was still laughing in bed…..”My Award of the Year for deadpan dry wit goes to…..Margaret!”

            First time I’ve been referred to as cute – my husband might disagree!

        • I am stunned by Barron’s seemingly sudden weird change. He has always
          been an excellent apologist and preacher. He has many effective videos
          on the net and his writings on the Church have always been solid. Could
          it be that he’s trying a new flavor of Koolaid?

          • No, Barron has been whack for some time. But he sugar coats his theology with just enough orthodoxy so it seems like he is speaking the Truth. I got fooled by him at first, too.

          • When do we know someone is not an orthodox Catholic?
            When the one is never trying to talk about the worst issues.
            Plus, when the one avoids in every way mentioning of unpleasant topics. Let alone a hottest issues.
            While he, at the same time, gladly talk with the sweet mouths about things which are not relevant and unimportant to this age.

            If someone is not an orthodox Catholic, then what Catholic is he at all? Especially, when we talk about a clergyman!
            If not already much worse,… than he is the lukewarm one.
            And we know what’s going to happen to them!

      • With a bit of effort, I think his words can be taken in an innocent sense. Rather than using the word “play”, I think it would less confusing to say that, because the Mass is the re-presenting, in a sacramental manner, of the Death of the Lord, the Mass is a sacramental re-enactment of that Death.

        I don’t think he said anything wrong. His exact choice of words might have been a bit more careful, is all.

      • Don’t forget the Byzantine and Ukrainian Greek Catholic martyrs!

        Blessed Theodore Romzha, Bishop, Confessor and Martyr, died for the Faith on Nov.1, 1947, exactly 3 years after the Servant of God Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky, who passed away Nov. 1, 1944.

        Oct. 31st is the feast day of Blessed Theodore Romzha because the Latin Church celebrates All Saints Day on Nov. 1.

        It grieves me that the 70th anniversary of the death of Blessed Theodore Romzha will be desecrated by the horrible event planned on Oct. 31.

        Blessed Theodore Romzha, pray to God for us sinners!

    • Their intentions are not good because they are based on disobedience to the clear teaching of the Catholic Faith. That’s not good intentions that is just plain disrespectful and disobedience.

  5. This evil filth of intercommunion has been going on at least since the early 2000s.i recall back in 2003 there was an “Ecumenical Church Day” in Berlin and the heretic Catholic priest celebrated a protestant communion. Instead of the words of consecration this fool uttered to the assembled protestants and rebel Catholics “you are all invited to the supper of the Lord” (or similar).
    Said hereic priest was subsequently suspended by none other than our old pal +Marx, then Bishop of Trier.

  6. This is another few yards of rope with which to hang themselves as well as those who are responsible to correction and account. A nasty present which bodes well for the justification of a future rebuke and conversion.
    The Roman Catholic Church no longer exists in Germany. National Socialism has had its victory. Shouldering the guilt of past cultural sin but not essentially unrepentant — they merely slipped from one practice of secular materialism to another — and another — and another.
    What a pitiful state of affairs.
    The post-WWII migration to Argentina appears to now have World Wide consequences both temporal and eternal.

  7. This Sunday is the Sunday of the Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council, Nicea II.

    This is the decree of the Council:

    These are the propers for today and Sunday:

    Imho, the Holy Fathers would be aghast at this sacrilege. Then they’d do something about it.

  8. If you’re anything like me, you have protestants in your life that you love deeply. Whose separation from the Church grieves you and wounds you. What do we do? Fight for the Truth, even to the death. But how do we fight? We fight not against flesh and blood, but against powers, and principalities, and authorities of evil.

    I’m reminded of the example of St. John Vianney, who saw the godless state of Ars when he first arrived and began to fast and pray for their conversion. He undertook penances so that they would be freed from sin and error, and the light of faith restored. He took up the Cross so that he could gather Christ’s lost sheep back into the one flock.

    If we spent less time fuming about errors, and more time embracing a life of penance and self-sacrifice for the sake of those who are separated from the Church, I think the results would surprise us. Jesus Christ came for sinners. It is the sick who need a physician, not the healthy. How are we offering our lives in union with Christ’s crucifixion so that those who walk in the darkness of error may come to know the glorious freedom of the sons of God? This is the battle that we need to fight.

    We should be fighting on behalf of those who are separated from the Church, not against them. That is the heart of true ecumenism. Our enemy is the father of lies, who like a wolf attacks the weakest sheep in the flock. This spiritual combat has eternal consequences.

    • If we spent less time fuming about errors, and more time embracing a life of penance and self-sacrifice for the sake of those who are separated from the Church, I think the results would surprise us.

      Today was the Public Square Rosary Crusade where there is something like over 15,000 rallies in the US. I attended the rally in my area… which was organized by my brother who did a great job. It is true that penance and self-sacrifice are important but don’t forget about public prayer…it may be the most important.

    • “We all know criminals in our circle of friends or even in our family. If we spent less time fighting them, chasing, harassing, and embarrassing them, why, I’m sure they’d come around to righteous behavior all on their own! It’s just that they feel persecuted!” Of course, this is perfect nonsense but it’s on a level with your post. John Vianney did fast and pray for the conversion of atheists and heretics. But he most certainly did not didn’t invite them to receive Communion in his church before conversion. Oh, and the things we are reading about in Germany aren’t simply “errors.” Rather, they are a deliberate attempt to replace the constant teachings of 2000 years since St. Paul with heteropraxy.

      • I think you misunderstand me. I’m not suggesting that the Church should change its practice as regards communion. There’s a sound reason for that teaching. If anyone comes to communion in a state of sin, they commit the grave sin of sacrilege and bring judgment down on their heads. St. Paul points this out in 1 Corinthians 11. It’s no mercy to allow a person who is separated from the Church to come to communion.
        My point is that we should strongly desire ALL people to come into full communion with the Church and partake of the Body and Blood of our Lord. And that praying and fasting is a concrete action that we can take to destroy the barriers that prevent that from happening.
        That and we have to love them. I myself was one of those despised atheists before unconditional Christian charity broke down my defenses. We cannot evangelize anyone if do not love them.

  9. Are the wine and the bread truly consecrated by the parish priest if he is unable to discern between them and the Blood and the Body of Christ up to the point to give them to unworthy people who never confess their sins and don’t believe in the transsubstantation?

  10. By actions, such as when Cardinal Ratzinger gave Communion to Protestant Roger Schuetz, or when Paul VI in about 1967 gave Communion to a Presbyterian who was marrying a Catholic (and at which service Paul VI presided), Church leaders teach us that there is really no reason to become or remain a Catholic. So why worry anymore? Pope Francis tells Muslims to remain Muslims. John Paul II takes part in a religious ceremony with the snake handlers in Togo. Pope Francis says that we will all be together in Heaven. So who the heck needs the burdensome Catholic Church? Too bad I learned this new teaching so late in life — all the fun I could have had, and then Heaven, too. Well, Heaven is guaranteed, unless I am one of the very few destined for Hell, and then God will annihilate my soul, according to Pope Francis. All religions will get me to Heaven…unless I pollute the earth.

    • They want to destroy the Catholic Church by just allowing Protestants to receive Holy Communion. I’d say that schism then can be justified due to the seriousness of the matter. I’ve read in another website that the Vatican is planning to create an “ecumenical Mass” which is also very disturbing……By the way I consider myself a “sede vacante” Catholic.

  11. St. Michael warned Marie-Julie Jahenny about scandal:(Sept. 29, 1879): “Scandals will pass before your eyes. Just pray and invoke the Divine Mercy. You should expect to see it at all. The heart of the Church is more than a bleeding wound. IT DOES NOT DEMAND (or request) THE CONVERSION OF POOR SINNERS. Today, CRIME IS CARRIED TO THE ALTAR … the Lord is offended by those who should serve Him.”

  12. This reminds me of a saying involving cows and barn doors.

    “This is not compatible with the different laws of the Church.” True enough–but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Lutherans and Episcopalians, particularly spouses of Catholics, are invited to received Holy Communion here in the US all. the. time. Is this a “general invitation”? No, but it still happens regularly.

    But the real problem is that no one objects—and it becomes a “pastoral practice” just like Holy Communion being offered to the divorced and remarried under the guise of the internal forum. Then eventually comes the call to change the law.

    The time to object is when such things first happen, not decades later. These practices will not change, regardless of what the law or a bishop says—as should be painfully apparent by anyone who’s even paying a modicum of attention.

  13. This is an example of Liberal Catholics making up theid own rules. The precise term for “Liberal Catholic” is actually “disobedient Catholic”. In fact all people are welcome to receive Holy Communion but they have to what practicing Catholics do, accept the teaching of the Catholic Faith, but that she the difference they don’t want to accept the teaching of the Catholic Church but still want Communion. It doesn’t work that way

  14. The Catholic Church does not need to approach the “Protestant church.” It should be the other way around. No more compromise!

  15. Ahhhhh, Protestants having never gone to confession and yet receiving our Lord unworthily. I guess there’re no mortal sins according to Jorge’s clown theology.

    Could the Hindus, ISIS, Buddhist, receive the Holy Eucharist too? I mean, according to Bishop Barron’s jackass theology: “we have a reasonable hope that all will be saved.”

    Wow, even the drug cartel people who chop up people into little pieces without repenting? Now, where is God’s justice in all of this?

    Wow, attacking the Holy Eucharist is quite Satanic!

  16. We must all invoke the help of Our Lady of Victory to save the Church from one more blow to her foundations. To allow adulterers and Protestants to receive is to desecrate the Body of Our Lord! So to add to all of his heresies, PF now oversees sacrileges!

  17. When my daughter was 16, she told the priest at our parish that one of the choir members was consistently pocketing the Eucharist instead of consuming the Host. The head of the choir told her, “Stop making such a big deal out of it, what she does with it is her business.” So few people believe in the Real Presence that this is the natural consequence. Soon the Muslims will be invited to Communion, as a “neighbourly outreach!”


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