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Pope Again Denies Knowledge of McCarrick As New Evidence of Vatican Sanctions Emerges

In a new, wide-ranging interview with with Mexican journalist Valentina Alazraki published today in Spanish by Vatican News (English summary available here), Pope Francis broke his nearly year-long silence on charges made by former papal nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò that he knew about Theodore McCarrick’s illicit sexual activities and yet continued to work with with…

Cardinal Wuerl is Denying Denials, but Video Doesn’t Lie

Image: screen grab via CBS News. In what may just be the most unintentionally humorous headline in Catholic news this year, we get this triple-negative from J.D. Flynn at Catholic News Agency (CNA): “Wuerl denies prior denials denied knowledge of McCarrick seminarian abuse“ It reminds me of the old saying, “Two wrongs don’t make a…

U.S. Justice Department Opens Investigation into Pennsylvania Clerical Abuse

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania, October 17, 2018 (1P5) – The Associated Press (AP) is reporting that the U.S. Justice Department has initiated an investigation into the sex abuse crisis in the Catholic Church. U.S. attorney William McSwain issued and served subpoenas throughout the state of Pennsylvania last week, pursuant to a grand jury report that included cases…

Where’s Wuerldo?

It seems that Cardinal Donald Wuerl, archbishop of Washington, D.C. and heir to Not-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, has disappeared. Yesterday, both Church Militant and LifeSiteNews reported that Wuerl was in hiding while “final plans for sneaking him out of the country are executed,” according to Michael Voris. From Claire Chretien at LifeSiteNews: According to Voris, who says…

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