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Traditional Priests Account for 20% of 2018 Ordinations in France

Image courtesy of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. Tradition is the future. Authenticity continues to bear fruit wherever it is permitted to take root and grow. While many within the Church still seek to limit (or in some cases even suppress) the Traditional Roman Rite and its accompanying spirituality and formative influence, it’s growth…

1P5 Minute – June 14, 2018: The Francis Effect in Real Numbers

The Vatican just released some data about growth in the Church over the past few years, and the results aren’t promising. Steve talks about the numbers in this edition of the 1P5 Minute. Original Vatican data available here. (Sorry, only available in Italian at the moment.) ALSO: We’ve had some requests to feed the 1P5 Minute…

On Becoming Your Priest: A Letter from a Seminarian

Editor’s note: the following letter was submitted to us by a young man currently studying for the priesthood in the United States. Sadly, expressing even these measured thoughts on some of the difficulties facing seminarians in the current ecclesiastical climate could provoke retribution. For this reason, we have agreed to keep his identity anonymous.    While…

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