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Archbishop Viganò Responds In-Depth to the McCarrick Report

  INTERVIEW BY RAYMOND ARROYO, EWTN TO ARCHBISHOP CARLO MARIA VIGANÒ November 12, 2020    Your Excellency, the report claims you “did not come forward” to present evidence for this Vatican inquiry: were you asked to provide information? Did anyone reach out to you? I am surprised to discover that a Report in which I…

Abp. Viganò: We Are Facing a “Panorama of Systematically Constructed Lies”

Editor’s note: this latest analysis by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on the socio-political situation in America comes to us again, directly from the archbishop himself, and is presented here as written for consideration and discussion by our audience. The views expressed here are those of the author, and not necessarily those of 1P5. We offer…

Archbishop Viganò Accuses Archbishop Gänswein of Abusive and Systematic Control of Benedict XVI

As the controversy surrounding the former pope’s contribution to a new book about clerical celibacy has shifted, in part, to the role of the personal secretary of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and prefect of the papal household, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has accused Gänswein of “abusively and systematically” exercising control “towards the…

Archbishop Viganò on Bransfield, Rossi, and the “Gay Mafia”

Editor’s note: The interview excerpts in the following piece were given by Archbishop Viganò to Italian journalist and author Marco Tosatti as a follow-up to his Washington Post interview and were published over the weekend in Italian at Tosatti’s website. With our thanks to Giuseppe Pellegrino for the translation and Marco Tosatti for allowing us…

Pope Again Denies Knowledge of McCarrick As New Evidence of Vatican Sanctions Emerges

In a new, wide-ranging interview with with Mexican journalist Valentina Alazraki published today in Spanish by Vatican News (English summary available here), Pope Francis broke his nearly year-long silence on charges made by former papal nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò that he knew about Theodore McCarrick’s illicit sexual activities and yet continued to work with with…

Viganò: Rome Has No “Genuine Willingness to Attend to the Real Causes” of Clerical Sex Abuse Crisis

In response to an invitation to participate in a National Catholic Register symposium on the Clerical Sex Abuse Summit in Rome later this month, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has once again made public comments about the crisis in the Church. In his brief essay, he signals pessimism about the upcoming meeting, saying, “I am praying intensely…

Viganò’s Third Testimony Responds to Ouellet, Appeals to Judgment Before God

It is striking the way in which Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has become, in many ways, the kind of hero the Church is so desperately looking for. Today, on the occasion of the Feast of the North American Martyrs — Jesuits who, unlike many of the modern-day variety, gave their lives for the salvation of souls…

Phil Lawler’s Scorching Response to Cardinal Ouellet

Cardinal Ouellet is going to need a burn unit. Catholic author and journalist Phil Lawler unleashed an absolutely scorching response to the Canadian cardinal’s indignant demand to know how Archbishop Viganò can “celebrate Mass and mention his [the pope’s] name in the Eucharistic Prayer?” “An excellent question,” writes Lawler. “It forces us to ask whether we…

Et Tu, Ouellet? Cardinal Answers Viganò with a Blade, but Provides Confirmation

Earlier today, we published a piece by Italian journalist, Vaticanista, and author Marco Tosatti about the Vatican’s response to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. Originally published on October 6 (and translated into English for 1P5), that piece was written too soon to take into account the second phase in the Vatican’s communications assault on Viganò. This…

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