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Spiritual Works of Mercy: A Contemporary Retelling of Matthew 25:31–46

The twenty-fifth chapter of Matthew is surely one of the most rousing of all chapters in the New Testament. It has shocked into spiritual wakefulness unnumbered Christians down through the centuries; it has inspired the art of church doors and altar pieces from one end of Christendom to the other; it has prompted a never-ending…

Traditional Priests Account for 20% of 2018 Ordinations in France

Image courtesy of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. Tradition is the future. Authenticity continues to bear fruit wherever it is permitted to take root and grow. While many within the Church still seek to limit (or in some cases even suppress) the Traditional Roman Rite and its accompanying spirituality and formative influence, it’s growth…

Bp. Schneider: Out of Fear, Some Prelates Did Not Sign Kazakh Marriage Statement

These days, Bishop Schneider is again very active. Next to issuing, together with some other prelates from Kazakhstan, a statement on the relevance of Humanae Vitae, he gave Onepeterfive an interview; then he gave an important talk at the Rome Life Forum. Additionally, a new interview has just been published in the Homiletic & Pastoral…

Seeking Tradition: We Cannot Give What We Do Not Have

As many have recently noted, there is a deficit not in the deposit of faith, but in our access to it. Take, for example, Whispers of Restoration’s recent article “Exiting ‘SquishyChurch,” Eric Sammons’s explanation on the “Old Evangelization,” and OnePeterFive’s mission of “Rebuilding Catholic Culture. Restoring Catholic Tradition.” When I returned to the faith, having abandoned…

An Aid in Experiencing the Striking Beauty of a Traditional Baptism

Image: Baptism illumination, circa 13th century. Although few things can match the natural beauty of a fall day in the upper Midwest, I still vividly recall my wife and myself making our way from the cool outside air into the hushed baptistry of our local cathedral, to witness the striking splendor of the Sacrament of…

The Continuing Assault Against Tradition at the Parish Level

Several recent stories have once again highlighted just how much disdain for tradition, and specifically the Latin Mass, still remains in the Church.  Sadly, as many faithful simply seek a more reverent manner in which to worship God in the Holy Mass, they repeatedly encounter clergy who dismiss out of hand the Church’s liturgical patrimony.…

We “Go Forward” in the Liturgy When the Sacred is Restored

This past Saturday Pope Francis travelled to the parish of Ognissanti (All Saints) in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the first vernacular Mass celebrated there by Pope Paul VI in 1965. Immediately following the Mass, the Holy Father exited the church to address the faithful gathered in the courtyard: “Let us thank the Lord…

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