Archive for

Lavender Mafia

Pressure Mounts For the Church to Change Her Teaching on Homosexuality As Open Schism Looms

Earlier this week, Edward Pentin of the National Catholic Register reported that the Church is facing pressure on multiple fronts to change her teaching that homosexuality is “intrinsically disordered”: Pressure continues to be exerted on Church leaders to remove the language of Catholic teaching that states that homosexual acts are “intrinsically disordered” and “under no…

Homosexuality in the Church, Cardinal McCarrick, and the Internal Ecclesial Attack on Humanae Vitae

In light of the revelations about the secret life of Cardinal Theodore “Uncle Teddy” McCarrick — a man who has been described with alarming frequency over the years (even though these warnings have gone largely unheeded) as a homosexual predator who took advantage of vulnerable seminarians under his spiritual authority — we wish to present…

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