Archive for

john paul ii

Fidelity to Liturgical Law and the Rights of the Faithful

I was recently asked by a number of people: “When ought one to point out liturgical abuses and endeavor to correct them?” My interlocutors had been confused by a number of partial truths. Let us, then, exclude several erroneous answers. “To correct an abuse, you need to have perfect charity and disinterested motives.”  No man…

Good News from across the World: Father Pilus and the Church in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is a country in the South Caucasus, bordered by Russia and Georgia to the north and by Iran to the south. While never a Catholic country (it has an overwhelmingly Shiite Muslim majority), there was until the mid-1920s a thriving Catholic population of some 2,500, served by several priests, most of them living in…

Discovering a Church in Crisis: Vatican II and the Future

The following is Part IV of a series. Read Part I, Part II, and Part III at the links. Tradition, Doctrine and Magisterium (Continued) Ecumenism The 1928 encyclical Mortalium Animos condemns modern notions of ecumenism. It says the Catholic Church is the one true Church, to which separated Christian ecclesial communities should return. It says…

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