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Archbishop Viganò Accuses Archbishop Gänswein of Abusive and Systematic Control of Benedict XVI

As the controversy surrounding the former pope’s contribution to a new book about clerical celibacy has shifted, in part, to the role of the personal secretary of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and prefect of the papal household, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has accused Gänswein of “abusively and systematically” exercising control “towards the…

Don George and Ecclesia Dei: The Pope Prepares a Clean Sweep

Various sources are being heard from the Vatican saying two pontifical maneuvers are imminent, which will take the form of two motu proprio. The first will be to decree the elimination of the Prefecture of the Papal Household. The prefecture is the organism concerned, in general, with the appointments and audiences of the reigning pontiff,…

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