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Archbishop Viganò Responds In-Depth to the McCarrick Report

  INTERVIEW BY RAYMOND ARROYO, EWTN TO ARCHBISHOP CARLO MARIA VIGANÒ November 12, 2020    Your Excellency, the report claims you “did not come forward” to present evidence for this Vatican inquiry: were you asked to provide information? Did anyone reach out to you? I am surprised to discover that a Report in which I…

The Evidence Suggests The Francis-Scalfari Connection is No Accident

Since the news broke early this week that the nonegenarian atheist socialist editor of Italy’s La Repubblica, Eugenio Scalfari, claimed that Pope Francis told him during one of their many conversations that he did not believe Jesus was God, the Catholic commentariat has been engaged in a rhetorical battle to the death over who to believe,…

Kasper: Next Conclave Will Elect a Pope Like Francis

The Spanish language online portal Religión Digital has a new interview this week with Cardinal Walter Kasper, who always seems to show up in the media right before Pope Francis makes another major move in the advancement of his “reform” agenda. This time, he’s talking about the possibility of schism, the German church’s synchronicity with Rome,…

1P5 Minute Ep. 11 – Who Is The Real Pope?

RELATED LINKS: Pope Benedict’s Abdication Statement (Vatican Website) Interview With Pope Emeritus About Validity of His Resignation (1P5, La Stampa) Pope Emeritus Interview With Peter Seewald on Question of Forced Resignation (1P5, National Catholic Register) Pope Emeritus Letters to Cardinal Walter Brandmüller (1P5, Bild) On Questions of a Limitations of a Pope’s Powers/Power to Abrogate Canon…

Gänswein, Burke, and Brandmüller Address Questions on Pope Benedict’s Resignation

It has become a subject of heated debate: did Pope Benedict XVI validly resign from the papacy? An article we published late last year on the topic of so-called “Benevacantism” had over 900 comments. Across the Catholic sectors of social media, one sees this question discussed, often heatedly, on a regular basis. Today, three top…

Viganò’s Third Testimony Responds to Ouellet, Appeals to Judgment Before God

It is striking the way in which Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has become, in many ways, the kind of hero the Church is so desperately looking for. Today, on the occasion of the Feast of the North American Martyrs — Jesuits who, unlike many of the modern-day variety, gave their lives for the salvation of souls…

Et Tu, Ouellet? Cardinal Answers Viganò with a Blade, but Provides Confirmation

Earlier today, we published a piece by Italian journalist, Vaticanista, and author Marco Tosatti about the Vatican’s response to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. Originally published on October 6 (and translated into English for 1P5), that piece was written too soon to take into account the second phase in the Vatican’s communications assault on Viganò. This…

Pope Faces Scrutiny over Assistance for Convicted Clerical Abuser

Today, Pope Francis had an audience with a globally known figure. It was not Cardinal Burke, one of the four authors of the dubia, who submitted their concerns about the pope’s post-synodal apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia exactly two years ago today. (Two of those authors, Cardinal Joachim Meisner and Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, did not live to see…

New Apostolic Constitution Appears to Formalize the Hijacking of the Synod Process

While the eyes of most of the faithful who follow Church news remain fixated on the near-constant drumbeat of new information about Clerical Abuse Scandal 2.0, another papal document has dropped, and in it, another likely time bomb. This morning, Pope Francis issued the Apostolic Constitution Epicopalis Communio (EC) – “Episcopal Communion” – which aims to “reform” the synodal…

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