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McCarrick Protégé Cardinal Kevin Farrell Given Key Vatican Position

VATICAN CITY, 14 February 2019 (—As rumors of the imminent laicization of disgraced former Cardinal and accused pederast predator Theodore McCarrick continue to spread, Pope Francis has announced the appointment of McCarrick protégé Cardinal Kevin Farrell as papal Camerlengo—a position of administrative authority over the Holy See, once a pope has died (or, if following the…

Traditional Priests Account for 20% of 2018 Ordinations in France

Image courtesy of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. Tradition is the future. Authenticity continues to bear fruit wherever it is permitted to take root and grow. While many within the Church still seek to limit (or in some cases even suppress) the Traditional Roman Rite and its accompanying spirituality and formative influence, it’s growth…

The Roots and Historical Consequences of Modernism

Translator’s Note: Roberto de Mattei’s paper, presented today in Rome, is entitled “The roots and historical consequences of Modernism”. It provides a detailed study of the origin of the present theological confusion in the Church in the ideas embraced at the time of the so-called “Modernist crisis” of the early 20th century. The teaching of Maurice…

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