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Explosive Dossier: Cardinal Cupich Under Investigation for Withholding Bernardin Documents

Editor’s note: the following article from Marco Tosatti originally appeared today in Italian at La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, and has been translated for us by Giuseppe Pellegrino. It summarizes the story released earlier this week by Church Militant about documents obtained from secret Chicago diocesan archives pertaining to the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin’s alleged sexual…

Viganò: Rome Has No “Genuine Willingness to Attend to the Real Causes” of Clerical Sex Abuse Crisis

In response to an invitation to participate in a National Catholic Register symposium on the Clerical Sex Abuse Summit in Rome later this month, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has once again made public comments about the crisis in the Church. In his brief essay, he signals pessimism about the upcoming meeting, saying, “I am praying intensely…

McCarrick Protégé Cardinal Kevin Farrell Given Key Vatican Position

VATICAN CITY, 14 February 2019 (—As rumors of the imminent laicization of disgraced former Cardinal and accused pederast predator Theodore McCarrick continue to spread, Pope Francis has announced the appointment of McCarrick protégé Cardinal Kevin Farrell as papal Camerlengo—a position of administrative authority over the Holy See, once a pope has died (or, if following the…

Cardinal Wuerl is Denying Denials, but Video Doesn’t Lie

Image: screen grab via CBS News. In what may just be the most unintentionally humorous headline in Catholic news this year, we get this triple-negative from J.D. Flynn at Catholic News Agency (CNA): “Wuerl denies prior denials denied knowledge of McCarrick seminarian abuse“ It reminds me of the old saying, “Two wrongs don’t make a…

Despite Denials, Wuerl Knew of McCarrick Allegations in 2004

Records have surfaced indicating that Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the former archbishop turned apostolic administrator of Washington, D.C., knew about allegations of sexual abuse against former cardinal Theodore McCarrick as early as 2004, the Catholic News Agency (CNA) reports. A report about one such allegation was forwarded by Wuerl to the apostolic nuncio in D.C. at…

Bishop Linda of Portugal: Sex Abuse Crisis Is an “Anglo-Saxon Phenomenon”

Jan 10, 2019 ( – Portuguese bishop Manuel Linda of Oporto, whose comments in a recent interview to secular media seemingly contradicted the dogma of the Perpetual Virginity of Our Lady, now insinuates that the current sex abuse crisis is a “phenomenon primarily of Anglo-Saxon countries.” Bishop Linda made his remarks during an interview with…

13 Years after Maciel Crimes Revealed, Legionaries of Christ Still Celebrating His Legacy

In a report from Rome yesterday, National Catholic Register correspondent Edward Pentin revealed that the Vatican knew about abuse allegations against the founder of the Legionaries of Christ, Marcial Maciel, since at least 1943. The order was founded in 1941. This means that from the very beginning, Maciel was engaged in the sort of horrifying…

Fear, Power & Money: Alleged McCarrick Abuse Victim Shares Shocking Insights into Abuser’s Reign

Abuse. Conspiracy. Hush money. Bribes. Power players. Politics. Global agendas. The threat of violence. These are some of the themes that James Grein, the alleged longtime abuse victim of former cardinal Theodore McCarrick, discussed with Dr. Taylor Marshall in a new podcast interview. Grein, who claims to have been abused by McCarrick for 18 years,…

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