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Abuse Crisis

Illinois Attorney General: “The Catholic Church Has Failed in Its Moral Obligation” on Clerical Sex Abuse

Illinois attorney general Lisa Madigan released a report on Wednesday that detailed her office’s preliminary findings on clerical sex abuse across the state. Madigan says Catholic dioceses in Illinois have failed to release the names of at least 500 members of the clergy who have been made known to the dioceses as having been accused…

Cupich and Wuerl Propose Alternative Sex Abuse Response Plan. Is Anyone Really Surprised?

Image courtesy of Archdiocese of Boston/Flickr (CC 2.0) It’s a story I’ve seen described as both a “shock” and a “bombshell.” But is it really? Catholic News Agency (CNA) reported yesterday that Chicago’s Cardinal Blase Cupich and the disgraced-into-resignation-but-kept-in-power-anyway Cardinal Donald Wuerl “collborated extensively on a recently proposed policy for handling abuse allegations against bishops”.…

USCCB Review Board Chairman Says Some Bishops “Must” Resign Over Abuse

Today at Catholic Culture, Phil Lawler brings to light something most of us missed in the proceedings during the US Bishops’ (USCCB) annual fall meeting. Francesco Cesareo, the chairman of the USCCB’s National Review Board for the Protection of Children and Young People, said yesterday that some bishops must resign “to restore trust and allow the deep wounds…

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