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Paulist Fathers Call for “Broad” Definition of Family


The intrusion of moral relativism into the Church continues on yet another front. This time it is courtesy of the Paulist Fathers. This priestly society of apostolic life was founded by Father Isaac Hecker and four other Protestant converts in North America in the nineteenth century. From their website:

The Paulists seek to meet the contemporary culture on its own terms, to present the Gospel message in ways that are compelling but not diluted, so that the fullness of the Catholic faith may lead others to find Christ’s deep peace and “unreachable quietness.” Paulists do not condemn culture, nor do they try to conform the Gospel to it. Rather, we preach the Gospel in new ways and in new forms, so that the deep spiritual longings of the culture might find fulfillment in Jesus Christ. To this end, Paulists use printing presses, movie cameras, and the Internet to give voice to the words of Christ – the Word Himself – to a new generation of Americans.

The Paulists define their mission as one of evangelization, ecumenism, reconciliation and interreligious dialogue. Much of their charism is centered on traveling throughout the country offering the Mass, preaching, and leading retreats and parish missions.

While the Paulists claim that they do not attempt to conform the Gospel to the culture, their recent statement regarding the Synod on the Family tells a different story. Taking a page out of the book of the most progressive delegates to the Synod, the Paulist Fathers now openly advocate for the Church to adopt the errors of the current age. Calling for a more inclusive notion of family they write:

“First and foremost, we think the very definition of “family” ought to be as broad as possible, allowing for traditional as well as contemporary models and cultural differences. While “families” are and rightly ought to be the core building blocks in society, the fact is that real families (i.e., household communities) come in all sizes, shapes, and configurations. The concept of ‘one-size-fits-all’ family ministry seems inadequate, outdated and insufficient. It seems to us that the Synod on the Family ought to listen to the peoples of the world – old and young, married and single, parents and children, those together as well as those estranged or divorced, straight as well as the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, and questioning community (LGBTQ). What are their joys and hopes? What are their griefs and anguishes? How might we, as the followers of Christ, help them the most? How can we help the human family and individual human families move forward – humanely, personally, interpersonally and spiritually?”

Mind you, this is their open letter to the synod, their contribution to the current ongoing discussion on the family within the Church. Their view, much like the secular culture, is to redefine the family, embracing the errors of a post-Christian culture. The boldness with which they advocate their recommendations is quite telling of the current ecclesial environment.

Moving along to address the “LGBTQ Persons and Gay Commitments” their statement continues:

“We Paulists find ourselves in the 21st century being called to open our hearts and our church doors to those of the LGBTQ communities. Lesbian women, gay men, bisexual and transgender persons, as well as those still questioning face many challenges: to figure out and accept their own sexual identities, to share their experience with family and loved ones, and to find their place in our society and in the Church. In a traditional theology or philosophy classroom, distinctions concerning human nature, sexual orientation and gender roles seem to be more or less easily mapped out. However, in modern medicine, recent genetics and gender studies, the halls of psychiatry and psychological counseling, in recent jurisprudence, as well as in the interpersonal lives and complexity of real LGBTQ people, these distinctions are less clear, less absolute, and undoubtedly in need of further study and theological discernment.


“It has been our pastoral and personal experience, that members of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community are people of good will, deep faith, with an abiding sense of their own Catholicity who have probed the depths of their consciences in their desire for the sacraments. We urge those gathered for the Synod to consider the personal needs, sexual experience, and covenant commitment of our LGBTQ sisters and brothers with the utmost pastoral care and sensitivity.”

This is not the language of repentance, conversion and true mercy. This is nothing less than cultural capitulation and conformity to the false gospel of heterdox prelates.

The Paulists also touch upon the divorced and civilly remarried, advocating for Eucharistic sacrilege:

“When it comes to access to sacraments for such persons, we Paulists, consistent with our tradition, tend to side with those who emphasize that Jesus came as a healer, a physician for those who are ill and in need of care and nourishment. We urge the Synod to consider St. John XXIII’s admonition that the “medicine of mercy,” the Eucharist, is to be freely dispensed. Pope Francis points out that the Eucharist, although it is the fullness of sacramental life, is not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak. Medicine and food are meant to heal and nourish. We trust the power of the sacrament to do its healing work. We recommend finding ways to welcome more people to the Eucharist, not to exclude them. Once someone has been fed, they then have the sustenance to accept Christ’s way of life more fully in their lives.”

Notice the manner in which they speak of the Eucharist as a “medicine” for the weak, adopting Kasperite language, when it is mortal sin they are speaking of and not only venial sin. This blurring of theological lines is an assault on both the Sacrament of Matrimony and the Holy Eucharist. It is also completely lacking mercy, as those who receive Holy Communion while in a state of mortal sin bring condemnation upon themselves according to Saint Paul (tragically ironic considering he is the patron of these very same Paulists).

It is unfortunate that this society of apostolic life, professing such erroneous views, are considered to be obedient and in full communion with the Church, while other traditional orders and priestly societies are either decimated, ostracized, or vilified while teaching eternal and immutable truths with clarity and without compromise.

54 thoughts on “Paulist Fathers Call for “Broad” Definition of Family”

  1. Thank you. At our house [we’re mostly an inadequate, outdated and insufficient family] we get a lot of mail from different Catholic organizations soliciting funds. We already automatically throw away any and all requests from Maryknoll without opening them (most organizations helpfully put their return address on the envelope). Now we will extend this prudent practice to the Paulists.

    • Hard to know who is legit anymore. What is it about Maryknoll that deters you from supporting them? Still trying to figure out who the good/bad guys are. Any insights you can provide will be greatly appreciated. God bless.

      • This goes way back, John. Here is the first paragraph from a 1988 Crisis magazine article (nothing I’ve heard or read since changes anything I know about this much-more-secular-than-religious outfit):

        “In a powerful message to the Maryknoll group headquartered in Ossining, New York, the Vatican has pressured the Maryknoll seminary to close down because it ignores basic curricular requirements and subordinates Catholicism to leftist political ideology. “Maryknoll was doing an excellent job training Marxists, but a terrible job training priests,” according to a source close to the Vatican investigation of Maryknoll.”

        You can read the rest at:

        • We have an ex Mary knoll priest in our parish who believes in evolution and various other nontraditional teachings. I am happy to say that I am delighted that he is an ex priest.

    • Last year I got a package in the mail, one of the nicest ever. It had an Indian dream catcher, address labels, greeting cards and a 2015 gorgeous calendar. If I recall it was from some priest outfit in North Dakota that took care of orphaned Indian children. Not a fool at this age, I immediately checked them out online for scandals…and wouldn’t you know, beaucoup lawsuits for pedophilia on the reservations. I took pen in hand and wrote the head honcho priest telling him exactly what I thought of their appeal and how I refused to pay for their lawsuits. And further what kind of monstrous men take total advantage of the most vulnerable of children. I recall Christ saying it would be better to drown oneself in the sea rather than take the innocence of a child. Further no man was worthy of the term ‘Father’ when in fact he was one giant rat bastard, immoral at that. The jerk did write me back, but did say that none of it ever happened…this pos actually thought I was going to buy his bull…when in fact, there were several news articles online for anyone to see…I never wrote back for I don’t like to waste time on fools, religious or not…those guys are really sick/demented/commie pervs with no heart/soul or brains!

      • Sunshine: Any way you could point me to the articles about this? My heart sank when I read what you wrote since I frequently contribute to several Indian schools in that area, have for years. I want to continue to do so, but not if the money is going to lawyers instead of the kids.

        • Johnny, Wish I could recall the name of that Indian orphanage, but alas that was before Xmas of 2014 and I have forgotten the name. If you do the research and give me names in North Dakota, surely I will recall which outfit it was. I have no time now to research…sorry. I did get another appeal last week in the mail from the Salesian brothers and again researched and found them to be in the same sht bucket as the former…but no time to write and ‘give them a pc of my mind’. Holder’s fast and furious isn’t the only thing coming through F & F. I can barely keep up with the crap going on in New England with our Catholic churches here and watering down of traditional schooling.
          And the whole Sin Nod is manifesting here in our local parish with the new teaching on the Theology of the Body…the vids are weird.

          • OK, thanks anyway. If anyone else has information concerning the several Catholic missions to Indian children in the Dakotas, I’d appreciate hearing from you.

          • Haven’t found the one yet I spoke of but wonder if this is one of those you sent money too.

            “Across the nation, in both the secular and church-run schools the federal government required Native children to attend from the late 1800s to the 1970s, the goal was assimilation—“kill the Indian to save the man” was their motto—seemingly at any cost. Court documents filed over the last several years in lawsuits against the boarding schools in South Dakota allege that as recently as the ’70s Native students were beaten, whipped, shaken, burned, thrown down stairs, placed in stress positions and deprived of food. Their heads were smashed against walls, and they were made to stand naked before their classmates. Untold numbers of children died over the century during which the residential schools flourished: some while en route to the institutions or at the schools themselves, and others of exposure and starvation while trying to escape, according to several sources, including the Boarding School Healing Project []. Native parents forced to part with their children came to understand they might never see their youngsters again, and if they did, the children had often become strangers to their own people.

            As a cost-saving measure, the federal government eventually turned much of the boarding-school system over to churches, primarily the Catholic Church, which used it to help expand its empire throughout the West. Churches, abbeys, convents and monasteries were built on or near reservations, and religious orders were founded and flourished.

            Recent court settlements reveal that the education the Church offered Native children featured not just brutal corporal punishment but also rampant sexual abuse. Some 400 Native ex-students in the Northwest and Alaska recently shared in a copy66-million settlement with the Jesuits’ Oregon Province for abuse suffered at schools in that region. Canada has set aside copy.9 billion for payments to survivors of its residential schools; more than 20,000 ex-students have submitted claims.

            In South Dakota, 100-some former students of the state’s half-dozen so-called Indian Missions have sued the Catholic Dioceses of Sioux Falls and Rapid City since 2003. They’ve also made claims against the religious orders that ran the mission schools and Blue Cloud Abbey, in Marvin, South Dakota, which provided priests and is the final resting place of several alleged predators. They charge that priests, brothers, nuns and lay employees at these institutions raped, sodomized and molested them, often for years. Court documents, including testimony and Church records filed during the lawsuits’ initial phases, contain accusations of bizarre, violent and humiliating sexual abuse, along with the horrific physical abuse described above.”

            Read more at —–

          • No, I read the article and no group I`ve contributed to appears there. I’ll keep investigating, though. I want to be sure.

          • John, I believe I have found the mission that sent me the package. St. Joseph’s Indian School, an apostolate of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, partners with Native American children and families to educate for life, mind, body, heart and spirit.
            St. Joseph’s Indian School is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.
            Database of Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse

            SOL Reform News | Are Pedophiles Getting Free Pass in South Dakota?

            I note that the BBB couldn’t get any transparency from them. As well St Joe’s tax exempt as most of them are in reality..shame.

            This is an excellent potpourri on the subject. Note how many popes have NOT taken this all to seriously as outlined in Wikipedia . Recently read of a whackjob Cardinal, “We never knew that having sex with kids was bad”. For real!!!

            All I can say, is that I have been praying for years to God to hear my prayers to expose the church for the sick thing it has been from my childhood..and now, I see that very church crumbling before my they grasp for straws attempting to keep their religion and marry it with a most heinous religion also misogynist and pedophilic in nature. A marriage made in hell.

          • Sunshine: I will look into the several Indian missions I contribute to.

            I have perhaps more familiarity with these abuse cases than you because I dealt with them extensively in my own diocese. Once a friend and I made an appointment with our bishop, went to his residence, and told him face to face that he should resign for the good of the Church (he was an enabler, not an abuser). I learned two things with this involvement: one, the problem is mostly homosexual in nature and, two, the worst result it can have is to cause the loss of one’s faith. When one losses his or her faith because of cynicism engendered by this scandalous criminality, Satan realizes a round robin deal, so to speak, bringing down both the principals involved and observers on the periphery. It’s simply not a valid response.

            And I also must mention that things are frequently more complex than one imagines at first. I looked at the page from that you sent me, and what did I find there but the name of a man whom I know. On the page he is listed as “accused” and a brief summary of the accusation is given, followed by the news that he was returned to ministry by Rome. I am sure to some this all sounds sinister, but I am personally familiar with ALL the details of this case, and with this priest’s successful canonical suit to clear his name. He was not merely “returned to ministry”, but rather completely exonerated of all suspicion, and rightly so. I saw the “evidence” against him and it wouldn’t hold up in a court of law for five seconds. In fact, no judge would ever have allowed it to get to court. This honest and faithful priest had been thrown under the bus by his own bishop simply to cover for past sins of omission at the chancery.

            Understand me, I am not implying that most men on that list are not guilty. But I think it beneath our dignity to join in with the herd screaming “crucify him” in every instance without examining carefully the specific case at hand. And, I repeat, the grossest injustice of all that we can commit in dealing with this scandal is that directed at ourselves, i.e. succumbing to loss of the Faith.

          • John, just to relieve your angst, I have NOT lost MY Faith. If the Christian faith involves anything it is knowing that evil vs good exists and we know which road to take. No matter if all clergy turned out to be bad news, that does not affect my relationship with my God. He is in charge, He is the judge and hopefully He does punish gross evil. Apparently the clergy from priests to popes have no fear of any such punishment. My sadness and anger springs from the trust that we as Catholics had years ago, but then had it crushed over and over again. What a waste!
            I moved to Boston over 25 years ago when the Cardinal Law cover-up came to pass. Here was the Cardinal of Boston College/Jesuit college who, it was proven, had shuffled priests from parish to parish and all around Massachusetts for decades.
            He knew that he bad priests, but covered their butts by paying off parents of the kids who were scarred…scarred for life, with many having killed themselves. I cannot help but feel those boys were the most sensitive and intelligent and could not live with the psychic and emotional/spiritual pain, hence killed self.
            You must know that Cardinal Law was never exonerated, but in fact, he was rewarded with a cushy post at the Vatican…how special is that? Further today Boston College, a coed Catholic school now has all kinds of weird policies on campus, such as boys/girls sharing rooms, buying contraceptives on campus among many heretofore other no nos.
            For me to go along with any of these revelations and to contribute to the payoff of lawsuits would make me an accomplice to evil.
            I cannot think of the devil being more happy than that so many Catholics have never objected to the massive snow job on them.
            Or worse, being so unaware that they remain clueless for their life.

          • Be very careful with this information. In Alberta Canada there are hundreds of ‘survivors’ of the Indian Schools who tell of wonderful caring priests and heroic nuns. The aim was not to crush native cultures but to educate children so they did not end up like their parents: sick and poor with no hope in the modern world. Oh, and to bring the Catholic Faith to pagans. The other side is a better story, and I have no doubt abuses did occur, however the broad brush used by media, lawyers, and natives hungry for money and the limelight painted all with the same paint.

            As well, to blame past abuse, sometimes two generations past, on native drunkenness and poverty misses the point: there are many, many thousands of natives, like their black counterparts in the U.S. who have made successes of their lives. Not in spite of the abuse, but because they wanted a better life and worked for it.

            This NOT the popular view but it is a view that expresses reality.

          • I am sure there must be some kids who had a good experience Barb, but that doesn’t detract from the reality of those who had horrific experiences damaging their lives. When you say be very careful with this info, I don’t get where you are coming from. Are you saying it is wrong to reveal the dark underbelly of the clergy…or are you saying that since some good happens, we should not take a second look at the evil that does exist? Just sort of kick it under the carpet?

          • There are those who think that the RC church hit the crapper once the commie/homosexualist infiltration took place in the seventies. But alas, kiddies, abuse was going on waaaay before then. Read/weep. Former priest friends of mine left for they knew this was going on…they didn’t want to be a part of it, nor did they want other priests/gay picking on them. I knew two Jesuits who had the good sense to get out in the 1940’s. Both bright and handsome. The following is very graphic but reveals the horrors of the kids.

            “Here is Wanna’s story:

            “When I first arrived at Tekakwitha at age four or five, the nuns and priests seemed welcoming, as though they wanted me to think of the place as my home. This friendliness went on for several weeks. Then one day, Father Pohlen came to the Papoose House, where I was living, and took me by the hand. He led me to the church, where we went behind the altar to a little room that had nothing in it but a chair.

            “Father Pohlen sat me down, unzipped his pants, took his penis out, and began to wipe it on my face and lips. I was terrified. I didn’t know what was happening. In later sessions, sometimes behind the altar and sometimes at his house, suddenly I’d be choking and something would be running out of my mouth. He’d also turn me around and rape me, hurting me badly as he used his hands to grip my hair, neck, or shoulders.

            “He rotated among about five of us younger boys, which left me with such confused emotions. On days it wasn’t my turn, I was so grateful, yet I felt terrible that one of my little friends was suffering. I also dreaded the fact that my day was coming again soon. Worst of all, I had no one to turn to, not even God, because God’s representative on earth was the one hurting me.

            “Soon a nun began to abuse me as well, placing me under her gown and rubbing my little hands between her legs. This was something the nuns did to other children there, too. It was horrifying, not just because of what she was doing but because it was dark and I couldn’t breathe. Other abuse included beating us with sticks, hoses, and even a metal shovel.

            “The cruelty was strangely inventive. At bath time, we’d line up, a line of naked girls and a line of naked boys, which was embarrassing to begin with. We’d take turns jumping into a laundry tub and being scrubbed—scratch, scratch, scratch—with a stiff brush you’d use for floors. We’d then hop out of the tub with scrapes all over our bodies.

            “Once, after I tried to run away, I had to wear a dress for a while, and when we went outdoors I was tied to a tree.

            “Tekakwitha was a very quiet place. You’d think with all those children, there’d be noise and laughing. But so many of us were being abused and simply didn’t talk. We were too frightened. It was like a horror movie in which people walk by each other but can’t communicate.

            “As the years went by, my abuse lessened, probably because I wasn’t a cute little toy anymore, but also because I became more outspoken. I remember being told I was a smart-ass. When I was 8 or 9—we had no sense of time, because at Tekakwitha there were no markers, like birthday celebrations—my mother got wind of what was going on and came and ranted and raged. I heard they told her something like, ‘Take the little bastards,’ and we left.

            “My adulthood was one hell of a struggle. But I fought through my failures and obstacles, went to college, and owned a restaurant and a construction company.

            “[I believe] the Church caused the drinking and other problems former students experience. As a result, the tribe must sponsor chemical-dependency, suicide-prevention, anger-management, and many other programs, which is an enormous economic burden. At Sisseton Wahpeton, we just had three suicides, all youngsters in their 20s, and this happens frequently. Why? It’s the result of how we elders were treated as children—an effect that continues through the generations.

            “I often wonder how so many pedophiles ended up at Native American schools. Father Pohlen was not only a pervert; he also hired the worst of the worst, which meant none of the Tekakwitha staff would protect us from the others. How did he find them? Is there someone in the Church you can call to request problem priests and nuns? Was there a dual plan to hurt Native Americans while taking care of the pedophiles? Was this genocide? It’s so confusing, but it’s also just plain evil.

            “When the orphanage was demolished in 2010 [because of Environmental Protection Act issues], my relatives and I went to watch. Suddenly, during the demolition, we saw three eagles circling overhead, rising up and flying down low repeatedly for about 45 minutes. They had come to take home the spirits of the children. It was so awesome.

            “I have sued the Church over my abuse, but because of my cancer I’m going to die with this on my mind, well before any chance of receiving justice. The people we looked up to most as children failed us. God’s servants blocked our power and took away our spirits. But we’ll get ’em back. By telling our stories, we’re opening a door, and we’re not going to let it shut until we’re done with them. No amount of compensation can cure us or absolve them, but we want our day in court. We want the public to hear what was happening to many Native American children in this country while non-Native people lived peacefully in their cities and towns and on their farms. Millions don’t know what we went through, and they need a quick history lesson. It’ll be a hard one, but it’s a fact.”


          • Let us not forget that Father Thomas Rosica is a Salesian. And one of the Salesian priests here in Canada told Cardinal Burke in a tweet to STFU! Nice people.

  2. The Paulist proposal to include in the definition of family the depraved arrangements of modern secular society is simply outrageous. They should be expelled from the Catholic Church.
    Of course this will not happen as indicated by their having the temerity to even make such an immoral suggestion. And beyond this they realize that these ideas are bandied about, and presumably acceptable to, by some Cardinals who know the Pope has their back. All of this shows
    just our far away much of our current hierarchy is from the teaching of our Lord. Corruption begins in the head as they say and it is certainly evident here. St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle.

  3. It is no secret that the Paulist-run parish of St. Philip Neri here in Portland, OR has been (and continues to be) notoriously pro-LGBTQ with no intervention from the Archdiocese. This would be in addition to St. Andrew Parish in NE Portland who annually thumb their noses to the Archbishop against participation in the Portland gay pride parade. These people and their ilk have no idea of what kind of fire that they’re playing with.

  4. I thought it might be a priest going crazy writing on their website. But the link shows it’s the very president of the society! Very tough times are coming.

  5. And I thought that divorce was going to be the issue to cause a schism. Looks like the homo-heresy is what will do it. Please, Lord, rid your Church from the filth that has overwhelmed Her!

  6. At least the Paulists openly state what they mean by “family”, unlike their ostensibly orthodox clerical brothers that use the term but never define it.

  7. Another one bites the dust. These religious orders and so many of the prelates at the Synod are taking the “road most traveled,” the way of the world. I hope we soon get a sign from Almighty God soon because our mother church is sinking fast and taking thousands of souls in its wake…!

  8. Ten years ago or so, our parish did the “RENEW” program, for which I was a small-group leader during the first phase. After one red flag after another went up, and I found myself continually “correcting for” the heterodox bias in the text with my group members, I quit before the next phase started. I of course looked to see who this insidious stuff came from. Paulist Press. I’ve cut them a very wide berth ever since. So I can’t say this latest crap surprises me any.

  9. Thank you for that article Mr Williams. The scary thing is that the school in which I teach (in Australia) is attached to the local parish which is run by Paulist priests. No doubt what you have highlighted will sneak it’s way into the school. The difficulty is that when these clever modernist revolutionaries speak in such language as you mention it becomes very difficult to counter. This is because such language appeals to liberal Catholics, Protestants and atheists, which is the majority make-up of your average Catholic school. We all know the “real” author of the above extracts because it’s the language of the world and the world is controlled by the one swinging his tail. Now, all I have to do to remedy my situation is……………………? Ideas anyone?

    • Tough situation, Julius. I taught for 30 years in a government (“public” here) school, back when things weren’t as bad as they are now, but still not very good. I taught language, and I had to fly under the radar, but I managed to give my students a very different take on all kinds things. For example, my kids learned that the Conquistadores were not nearly so bad as some maintained, and that they brought God and civilization to savages who thought it all right to kill babies and eat their enemies. I taught them that Charles Martel once saved Europe from Muslim hoardes and that, thanks to the Rosary, Don Juan de Austria was able to defeat the Mohammedans at Lepanto. In other words, I insinuated the truth into every lesson where I saw an opening. I know that your task might be more difficult given that outright lies are disguised as truth there, but….

      • Thanks JC. There’s a lot of flying under the radar happening in the sense that they’re (Catholic Education Office’s) pushing a non-literal, re-contextualised, full of interfaith dialogue type of education, which I do what I can to manoeuvre around. The ultimate heresy promoted is that the most blessed Eucharist is merely a symbol of Christ. The entire foundation of our true faith is instantly undermined. When you rebuke this utter nonsense people look at you like you’re from the stone age. The bishops know all this but are doing very little. Collegiality, gotta love it!

      • Johnny, great minds think alike. In 2008 I taught at a charter school here in our town. It was an all boys school, mainly Turkish muslims…trust me when I say I could write a book on that experience…if I did you would read someday that they found my head on the highway. To say they were the closest thing to Neanderthals is putting it lightly. I even had one kid come up to me one day saying that someday he would come to school and wear a suicide belt strapped to him and stand right by me at my desk. Knowing this little pos was trying to terrify me I didn’t want to show any fearfulness. God kicked in…I began laughing so loud and I clapped my hands like it was thunder and then I pointed down to the floor and said, “that is awesome for you will go straight to hell and I will go to heaven and have my 72 male virgins”. The kid could not believe I said that…other boys heard it and LTAO…then I went down to admin and told them what the kid said…the very next day he was on a plane back to Istanbulsht…2 weeks later he was back in school as daddy had big bucks. But to your point of inserting more than the subject matter, I too, pulled that one by telling those muslim boys TO NEVER TRUST ANY religion or government to control their minds…that in the end they meet with their maker one on one and they can’t use any stupid excuse like the ‘religion made me do this..or the gov’t did or said..”
        I can only hope and pray that at least a dozen of those boys pondered what I said for a long time..and woke up to the evils of Islime..and govt’s too.

        • SSIJ: We certainly are of one mind, especially when it comes to modern day warriors (what they are in reality) engaged in jihad for the Great Desert Pervert. I almost afraid to ask, but can you tell me your experience was in France, England, or Spain? Or am I going to be disappointed and learn that it was over here, perhaps in Minneapolis or Houston? The Obama regime seems to believe the Mohammedan immigration situation in, say, France is just peachy and ought to be emulated here in the States.

          This theme ties in as well with many discussions current on this board. How many times have you heard prelates, some of them popes, say that we must accept and accommodate Mohammedan “immigrants” with open arms? I don’t know about you, but that kind of mindless blather only makes me question their sanity. Their pious nonsense makes it crystal clear that they have not read the Koran (or if they have, that they’ve not understood it), have never lived anywhere that Muslims constitute even a significant minority, and do not read (or understand) what’s in the daily papers. They remind me of the Latin American dictator in Woody Allen’s film Bananas who tells his subjects that from now on they will speak Swedish and wear their underclothes on the outside.

          • Like I said I could write a book and often wish I had kept a daily diary of each day’s events, but alas, I was so emotionally exhausted when I got home at 3:30 I’d dive to the sofa and sleep. Am not a spring chicken with 5 grown kids and now 12 grandkids, but I hung in there for the experience John. Much more to share.
            A few of the American teachers told me they were incredibly more civilized than the previous five years…when I came they were only swinging from the chandeliers,,lol. I could write a book on all the horrendous things they did…of course, being a female I was considered lower than a dog and got little respect.

            Often I could hardly teach for they would not sthu….Most of them were so lazy it was mindboggling. On the weekends they came into the school for the gym was open for them to play basketball. But that didn’t satisfy their moe/thieving ways…so they came in with tools to take off teacher’s locks to our rooms…would steal my art supplies.

            But worse than that is the Monday morn I came in and turned on my computer and page after page of porn and games came up…I was horrified for I had read that a female teacher in CT had almost ended up behind bars for similar crap on her computer. Needless to say I flew down to the first floor to admin and told them I had porn on my computer and I did NOT put it there…and IF they didn’t want to deal with it, I was sure police at a station 3 blocks away would come in to help.

            They got me a new computer the very next day…and they must have put porn blocking software in but that didn’t stop the boys from changing their grades….every Monday I had to go through the bs scene of changing back to correct grades. I am happy to say that this past May they said they were leaving the school.

            I found out from an American teacher there that the school ran out of money..thanks be to God..I know most the biz folks in town and they hated the sob’s. Most of them were obnoxious in the stores, cafes, etc…and often stole..even though 1/3 of the student body came from wealthy homes in Istanbulsht..(my choice of word for Istanbul), and those kids always had fifties and hundred dollar bills/wallets. ALWAYS!

            At any rate, new buyer of school was some Chinese entity…living in an area where there are several prep and academies in surrounding towns, I know that their students excel. Marionapolis Prep/Catholic always has about 75% Chinese graduates ea year. Not sure if they are Catholic or not, but they are always high achieving students. As an aside did you know that China has more people with IQs above 160 than the entire US population?

            Like I said I could write a book and often wish I had kept a daily diary of each day’s events, but alas, I was so emotionally exhausted when I got home at 3:30 I’d dive to the sofa and sleep. Am not a spring chicken with 5 grown kids and now 12 grandkids, but I hung in there for the experience John. Much more to share.

          • @Johnny, I don’t know what happened when I posted but the paragraphs were moved around…how?? And the first paragraph did not even make it on the page. It told about how I taught at a New England school, yes in the US, in fact, CT. An all boys school comprised mainly of Turk muslims, a few Kurdish kids, chechyan kids and a couple Chinese plus a couple of American boys, all ages 14 -18. Pls understand the next paragraphs below are not in the order I had them…something happened on the way to the forum!!

          • I figured that when I saw the last paragraph repeating the first. Nothing serious. But I was floored to learn that this happened in CT ! Some people are angry when I refer to our current political leaders as traitors, but what else can you call men and women who are setting us up for civil war in the future? They see that Western Europe has become a battle zone (e.g. les quartiers sensibles in France), yet they prattle on about “compassion” and “diversity” as if Mohammedans were like any other immigrants. And when churchmen take up this tiresome siren song….well, the editor here couldn’t, wouldn’t, and probably shouldn’t allow the language I’d use to describe my reaction to that nauseatingly pious twaddle.

          • New England is up to its eyeballs in all things Moo HAM and Ed. Like with all the monies being given to NE ivy leagues like Yale Univ.

            I attended one of the top ten Catholic women’s colleges decades ago and was horrified to read that Marygrove College in Detroit now has muslim students there with their own foot baths/mini mosque, et al. Utterly depraved and disgusting to say the least.
            BTW when I taught at the charter school, the moe prof’s wives invited me to a Mother’s day event at some mosque in Hartford.I declined but should have told them ‘why on earth would I do that when your religion sees women as pos lower than dogs?’ No way would I attend anything whose main theme is misogyny and hatred of all women. If you want to learn more about those charter schools Johnny, ck out Gulenfraud. Marie is out west and we touched base many years ago..she emailed me this summer telling me that some of the charter schools are being closed up thanks to the FBI..they are catching onto the taquiyya crap. You should read the modus operandi of it’s founder, one Fettulah Gulen from Istanbulsht. He came into this country as a self exclaimed scholar…the poor bassturd never finished 5th grade!!

          • as for Yale univ, again I input the url but it is not coming through. FInd it here at Creeping Sharia under the dates listed…sorry, J

            Yale takes $10M from Saudi to establish Center for Islamic (Sharia) Law

            Posted on September 14, 2015 by creeping

            The same university that enforced the sharia and Banned Images of Muhammad in Book about Images of Muhammad.

            via Saudi Businessman Gives $10M for Islamic Law Center at Yale – ABC News

            A Saudi businessman has donated $10 million to Yale Law School to establish what school officials hope will become the country’s top center for the study of Islamic law.

  10. Here we are talking about different orders in the Church. It might be a good idea to broaden the discussion and to include lay groups like the K of C. (Truth in Advertising: I am a 3rd Degree Knight who withdrew from participation several years ago in disgust with that organization’s policies.) I found this dated article at Vatican insider:

    It’s an interview with Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, granted just before the pope’s visit to the US. If and when you read it, keep in mind that the K of C has for many decades refused to oust from its ranks Catholic politicians who support abortion (or who support just about any other position in clear contradiction with the Church’s teaching for that matter).

    Anderson says in part, “The polarization of many Catholics within a progressive-conservative dialectic is a real problem ….Perhaps …every Catholic should begin… [by]… adopt[ing] a new attitude of humility—try to listen more with an open heart, especially to those parts of [the pope’s] message that we might find hard to accept. The pope is called to preach the Gospel “in season and out of season.” Therefore, we must expect that some of what he says must surely be received as a “sign of contradiction” within our culture.” Reading this, I can’t help but think of the number of appeals to be a “sign of contradiction within our culture”, appeals from its own members, the K of C has simply ignored over many, many decades.

    The rot in the Church isn’t confined to its ecclesiastical orders, believe me.

    • Yep, and it’s all about the money honey. The Marxist bs is part of the new and not so improved school curriculum known as Common Core….the core being the rotten apple.
      Jeb Bush is making tons of money from this Marxist/commie program via publishing. And most folks do not know but Dubai has played a hugh role in the lesson making of CC. This fits right into the pope’s foot and arse kissing we saw a few months ago.. kissing moe feet. Not to mention his Marxist ideations of Chrislam. I attended a seminar recently and learned the whole idea behind CC is to equalize the students…with the brighter kids, if tests appear to easy, then they give those kids harder tests so that their grades DROP. While with the slower kids, if they don’t do well, they keep giving them easier tests so that their grades GO UP. VIola, you have your creepy commie equality by so doing. Parents are in the dark on this ersatz crap educational system. As well they are in the dark that the moes now have in place in DC many parallel agencies within the US government, with education being just one of those educations..horrors for sure!

      • For your not so pleasurable reading of sand folks and common creep core.
        It appear someone is running interference here and not allowing me to insert the url…but at Creeping Sharia a recent must read article.
        Common Core Conference In Dubai is Happening Again This Year
        Posted on October 7, 2015 by creeping sharia
        And this one here at same place/ Creeping Sharia…
        Video: Exposing the Truth about Common Core Islamic Teaching
        Posted on October 1, 2015 by creeping

      • Good point. To paraphrase one of history’s “baddies”, nowadays even when I hear the word “dialogue”, I reach for my Browning.

  11. This doesn’t surprise me. I have known two Paulist priests personally. One was the cause of the diocese being sued for child molestation, the other one was openly gay, had boyfirends, and told me he did not believe in Satan. During this pontificate, heretical priests think thye can espouse their views openly on this matter with no fear. THis heresy is like that of Arisanism, and is widespread among both the clergy and the laity. Who will be our St. Athanasius?

    • I believe that our St. Athanasius was Abp Lefebvre. Yes, the SSPX kept celebrating the TLM but I also believe that they screen their future priests for heresies and the type of foibles you listed.

  12. It is unfortunate that this society of apostolic life, professing such
    erroneous views, are considered to be obedient and in full communion
    with the Church, while other traditional orders and priestly societies
    are either decimated, ostracized, or vilified while teaching eternal and
    immutable truths with clarity and without compromise.

    Thus spake the Pharisee.

    Frankly, we have enough relativism without this being added. God does not judge us by comparing us with each other, the way the Pharisee wanted to compare himself with his contemporaries. If the Paulists are flirting with heresy, and maybe going beyond flirtation, does that in any way justify the decision to illicitly ordain bishops in defiance of the Pope?


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