Why Harrison Butker Attends the Latin Mass and You Should Too
"The God of the Old Testament was pretty particular about how he wanted to be worshiped."
"The God of the Old Testament was pretty particular about how he wanted to be worshiped."
The Catechism of the Catholic Church 234 says that the doctrine of the Most Holy Trinity is the “central mystery of Christ faith and life. It is the mystery of God in Himself.” We might want to get this one right. The other mysteries of our faith revolve around what God does and has done. …
For this mighty Feast of Pentecost we first scrabble after some context to enrich our participation. The sacred liturgical celebration of the mysteries of our salvation make us present to them and them to us. Sacramental reality is not inferior to sensible reality. Indeed, it embraces and elevates it and us, it transforms us. In…
The Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, forty days after His Resurrection, was once graced with its own Octave. In 1955 Pius XII suppressed all but the Octaves of Christmas, Easter and Pentecost. These three remain now in the Roman Church’s Vetus Ordo. However, the Octave of Ascension dated back only to the 15th…
We now move into the next phase of the seven-week Easter Season. The first stage looked back to the Resurrection and reflect upon the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist. In this stage, which began last Sunday, we look forward to the Lord’s Ascension, the Spirit’s Descent and we consider the Sacrament of Confirmation. Like last…
One of the topics most hotly disputed at the synods on marriage and the family, back in those halcyon years of 2014 and 2015, was the possibility of admitting to Holy Communion Catholics who are living in what are euphemistically called “irregular marital situations” — that is, objectively adulterous unions. This dispute took its place…
You know how I like to bang on and on about context. This Sunday, the 3rd after Easter in the traditional reckoning (the 4th of Easter in the Novus Ordo calendar), we shift to a new phase in the seven Sunday Season of Easter. The first Sundays looked back to Easter and its main themes…
“What a Sacred Heart picture means commonly today, that the Good Shepherd picture meant to the early Christians.” -Pius Parsch
How about the vigil prophecies as legal foundation, though?
There is a strong tradition that the first thing which the Risen Christ did was appear to His Mother.
Above: Christus mit der heiligen Veronika auf dem Weg zum Kalvarienberg, possibly from the Danube school, c. 1520. From The Liturgical Year. The holy liturgy is rich in mystery during these days of the Church’s celebrating the anniversaries of so many wonderful events; but as the principal part of these mysteries is embodied in the…