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Acies Ordinata: Munich Edition – An Interview with Roberto De Mattei

This morning, Saturday, January 18, 2020, Acies Ordinata, an assembly of prayer was held in Munich, Bavaria. Acies Ordinata is an international coalition of lay Catholics faithful to the Tradition of the Church. After the two preceding assemblies, which were held in Rome on February 19, 2019, and September 28, 2019, the city of Munich has been chosen for…

‘It Hath Hated Me before You’: Interview with Fr. Vaughn Treco, Excommunicated for Preaching the Faith

“Christ was crucified on earth and the Church is crucified in time, and the Church is crucified by all of us, by her members most particularly because She is a Church of sinners.” —Flannery O’Connor. There is quite a lot of talk these days about heresy and scandal in the hierarchy of the Church, of…

Bishop Schneider on Chastity vs. a Society ‘Becoming Ever More Cruel’

Editor’s note: This interview was conducted by Julian Kwasniewski at the Sacred Liturgy Conference in Salem, Oregon, at the end of this past June. The text was transcribed and is published here with His Excellency’s consent. Julian Kwasniewski: Your Excellency, thank you so much for agreeing to this interview. It is a real privilege to…

Interview: Bishop Schneider Addresses a New “Syllabus of Errors” for the Modern Church

It is with much gratitude that we present today to our readers a lengthy, original interview with Bishop Athanasius Schneider of the Archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana, Kazakhstan. He was so considerate in his answers to the following questions, which we sent to him prior to the recent 3 May meeting of German bishops…

Interview: Josef Seifert on his Dismissal, Amoris Laetitia, & The Fight For an Authentic Catholic Life Ethic

Editor’s Note: The following interview with Dr. Joseph Seifert, founding rector of the International Academy of Philosophy in Liechtenstein & President of the newly founded John Paul II Academy for Human Life and the Family was conducted by Dr. Maike Hickson on behalf of OnePeterFive.  Maike Hickson (MH): At the end of August of 2017, Archbishop Javier…

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