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Cardinal Lehmann’s Memoirs: On His Humanae Vitae Dissent and the Conduct of Some Popes

Mit langem Atem – Wege. Erfahrungen. Einsichten (With Long-Term Perseverance. Ways. Experiences. Insights) Cardinal Karl Lehmann (Author);  Markus Schächter (Editor) 272 pages 19,99  € Cardinal Karl Lehmann – who was for twenty years the President of the German Bishops’ Conference and who thus greatly shaped the Catholic Church in Germany  – just died, on 11 March, in his…

God’s Love Revealed: The Intrinsic Connection of Doctrine and Spirituality

In the world today, there is a tendency to separate spiritual things from objective guidelines and rules. How many people call themselves “spiritual but not religious,” as if to say the precepts of religion have no connection with the spiritual life? Nevertheless, it has been the constant teaching of the Church that doctrine and spirituality…

New Sources Bolster Report that Pope Benedict Played Key Role in Synod Compromise

Preliminary Note: Today, 12 March, Vatican News published a report that Pope emeritus Benedict XVI wrote yet another letter. In this new letter, he praises a set of new books on the theology of Pope Francis which make clear to him “that Pope Francis is a man with profound philosophical and theological formation and [which]…

Vatican Hires High-Powered Law Firm to Take Down Independent Catholic Website

In August of 2017, InfoVaticana, a small Catholic news portal based in Madrid, Spain, was surprised to receive a letter from Baker & McKenzie, the second largest law firm in the world, demanding that InfoVaticana transfer its domain ( to the Vatican Secretariat of State.  The reason for the demand was that the Vatican alleges that…

Vatican Specialists: An Attack on Celibacy is Next

Considering the upcoming 2018 Youth Synod, as well as the 2019 Pan-Amazonian Synod, we may now learn more from two Vatican specialists who predict that the real theme of these synods will be priestly celibacy, and its step-by-step process of attenuation. The two journalists – Edward Pentin and Julius Müller-Meiningen – have quite different backgrounds,…

On Contraception, Now Even Wojtyla is “Rigid” and “Doctrinaire”

By Renzo Puccetti The release of a book on the encyclical Humanae Vitae, which documents the influential help of the then-Archbishop of Krakow, has become an occasion for Avvenire to renew an assault on the encyclical published 50 years ago. Its objective: to bypass the ban on contraception. The strategy is to divide Blessed Paul…

Cardinal Brandmüller on the German Bishops’ New “Wholly Dishonest Ploy”

In the wake of Cardinal Gerhard Müller’s recent strong rebuttal of the German bishops’ decision to admit Protestant spouses of Catholics, in individual cases, to Holy Communion, it is now Cardinal Walter Brandmüller who takes his own stance with regard to this new episcopal step, calling the German bishops’ referral to “individual cases” a “salami…

Cardinal Eijk On Euthanasia, Gender Theory, Homosexuality, and Marriage

Editor’s Note: the following text is an interview with Cardinal Willem Eijk conducted by the Italian monthly magazine Il Timone and published in Italy. In this interview, Cardinal Eijk makes some courageous statements about important matters of our time. We present to our readers herewith a translation of the whole document, with the kind permission from…

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