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Bishop Lynch and the Dismantling of Summorum Pontificum


Last month members of the Latin Mass community of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida were stunned to receive a letter addressed to them by their local ordinary, Bishop Robert Lynch. Following years of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass being offered at two different diocesan parishes, the faithful of both St. Anthony of Padua in San Antonio and Incarnation Catholic Church in Tampa learned that they would be losing the traditional Mass. Instead of further realizing Pope Benedict’s vision of both forms of the Roman Rite mutually enriching each other through greater availability, Bishop Lynch has instead chosen the path of displacement and containment.

The bishop’s letter is often antagonistic in its tone, surprisingly so at times, and this despite the fact that we should no longer be surprised by such overt hostility toward this group of faithful. It would seem that displacing not just one, but two traditional Catholic communities isn’t injurious enough; so the choice of words serve to inflict additional pain.

The letter clearly explains the dynamics of the parish now being designated as the new “center for the Latin Mass”:

“…this is experimental in so far as the economic viability of Epiphany will be shared by the Vietnamese community, the small remaining remnant of territorial parishioners and those availing themselves of the extraordinary form liturgy…”

I have been told by members of the Latin Mass community in Tampa that Epiphany parish may have as few as 100 people attending the English language Novus Ordo Mass on a given Sunday. It is by many accounts a parish on the decline in both registered families as well as financial viability.

With this move, however, Bishop Lynch has now successfully removed the Extraordinary Form from a parish (in the case of Incarnation Catholic Church) with over 3,800 registered families, six Sunday masses, and a parish school. It would seem that the short-lived era of Summorum Pontificum has ended in St. Petersburg, only to see a return to the indult days of the ’80s and ’90s.

Bishop Lynch’s letter also contains several unnecessarily provocative passages (emphasis mine):

“I envision this site as being capable of meeting the needs of those few people who have been attending Mass in the Extraordinary Form at both of the parishes where it has previously been celebrated.”

Parishioners have said that the weekly Sunday Latin Mass at Incarnation parish typically draws upwards of 100-150 people, comparable to the 7:30AM early mass there. It is also interesting to note, since the letter references “those few people”, that the bishop has never actually attended the Extraordinary Form Mass at Incarnation in the three years since its return, and this despite repeated invitations. The letter continues:

“Any reconstruction or remodeling of the sanctuary at Epiphany will not be possible due to the fact that it is also the site of St. Joseph Vietnamese mission.”

That statement at face value makes little sense.

The sanctuary of a Latin Rite parish, from altar to ambo, tabernacle to rail, is no different regardless of which form is being offered or which community is assisting. This reads as that tired old argument from decades past that claims the altar MUST be a free-standing table and the communion rail MUST be removed because a community celebrates the Ordinary Form. The decision for any potential remodel should largely reside with the newly assigned pastor, Fr. Edwin Palka, who has been offering the Latin Mass at St. Anthony of Padua in recent years. That is, unless the bishop wishes to tie his hands before his assignment even commences.


Bishop Lynch concludes with a comment that serves no purpose at all in the context of the stated reason for the letter. It is hard to read it as anything other than a bully looking to land one more parting shot:

“Finally, I wish to note that there are very few priests who are willing to celebrate the Mass in the extraordinary form and even fewer still who do speak and/or understand Latin.”

Bishop Lynch has lead the diocese for over 19 years. Any deficiency in the formation of his priests falls squarely on the bishop’s shoulders. The two most recently canonized popes, Saints John XXIII and John Paul II, as well as Pope Emeritus Benedict, all emphasized the importance of Latin in the education and formation of seminarians. If the priests of St. Petersburg are unprepared or unwilling to offer the Extraordinary Form of the Mass it is solely the fault of Bishop Lynch.

It is unfortunate that 8 years after Summorum Pontificum many faithful who simply wish to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass still encounter such “pastoral care” from their shepherds. The video link below shows what Incarnation Catholic Church is losing as a result of this decision by Bishop Robert Lynch.

92 thoughts on “Bishop Lynch and the Dismantling of Summorum Pontificum”

  1. Yes, he won’t be there much longer. This is the same bishop who did not intervene in any way to stop the murder of Terry Schiavo and who recently had good things to say about sodomite marriage.

    • Lynch actually publically supported the starving (murder) of Terry Schiavo if it was the decision of the family (husband).

      Purposeful death by starvation and/or dehydration introduces a different cause of death which is not related to the health of the individual.

  2. It’s pure hubris. All I know is that which does not kill us makes us stronger. Beautiful video, and beautiful mass. If it’s God’s will that Epiphany becomes the new center for those seeking truth and religious meaning, then so be it.

  3. There’s not much information in the blog about how this will affect St. Anthony’s Church, Fr. Palka’s current assignment. It should be noted that 21% of the people who attend Mass at St. Anthony’s attend the Latin Mass. Our small parish will lose nearly a quarter of its parishioners. Every single person I’ve talked to has said they will leave. This is obviously a move to segregate TLM attendees, hiding them away in their own “concentration camp” for lack of a better term. Further, we have a Tanzanian priest, in residence as he attends the local university, who has learned the Latin mass and is willing to offer it but is not allowed. Fr. Palka has lovingly created a beautiful community at our parish of both TLM attendees and those who attend that NO Mass but remain traditional in many ways such as kneeling and receiving the Eucharist on the tongue, responses and prayers in Latin and, for the women, veiling themselves in the presence of Jesus. It’s a hateful and calculated move on the Bishop’s part and I am sad and scared to see what will happen to our parish.

  4. We attend a Novus Ordo parish and we still have an altar rail. There was the opportunity to remove it, I suppose, when we recently had a new altar installed. Instead our priest chose for the new altar to match the marble of the altar rail.
    How very… strange.

  5. If one were to google

    Christian Order June/July 2006 Editorial “Homosexual and Paedophile Clergy”

    one could scroll down until he reached the internal bolded headline

    lavender prelates

    and therein learn that Bishop Robert Lynch is listed as one of the prelates publicly known to be gay.

    So, there can be no surprise about his actions as sodomites are naturally subversive

  6. God bless the TLM community in St. Petersburg and may you flourish and bring new life to Epiphany parish. I will be praying for your success and growth.

  7. I attended the TLM at Incarnation with my family for about a year. It is as healthy and vibrant a community as you’ll find in the spiritual wasteland that is the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Shutting it down is killing the last best hope the diocese has, just so that this egotistical, capricious, irresponsible man can take one more cruel shot at the traditionalists in his diocese before he retires. How pathetic, and how very sad.

    • I went to seminary with your seminarians and left to go to another diocese. They don’t teach the Latin in the minor or the major. I’m surprised you have any priests willing to say the Mass in the Tridentine form.

  8. What is he afraid of – More people getting religious. Typical liberal – all for diversity except when he doesn’t approve. Perhaps the Lord will solve the problem! How old is he?

  9. This is a profoundly . . . mean-spirited letter on the bIshop’s part. How else to read it? Repeated allusions to the fewness of the laity, and to the fewness of priests interested and willing to celebrate it. We knew that His Excellency had no love for the traditional Mass*, but even so this is hard edged for him. Perhaps he feels the wind at his back in this pontificate now.

    * One can go back to a talk he gave in January 2008 ( and hear his repeated deprecation of the Traditional Roman Rite: It was “clerical;” “in a foreign language that had ceased to exist centuries ago;” at the altar “we couldn’t see what was going on because the priest blocked those actions;’ “We’ve had the ability to have the Mass in Latin for some time now, but very few go. Very, very few go” (obviously his opinion has not changed); “In the old days, it (the Mass) was in a pure monotone.”

    The numbers in his diocese are more than he realizes, but he has, alas, done everything possible to discourage it. Yet we see the results where the bishop is welcoming and encouraging. I am left only to pray that, before his time is done, that he comes to see the great graces that flow out of the traditional liturgy, and will change his policy accordingly.

  10. This is the fellow who offered No support to Terry Schiavo’s family when her ex husband starved her to death. He is also implicated in Homosexual wrongdoing. Priests do NOT need his permission to say the Latin mass under edict from Pope Benedict. Urge Francis to remove Lynch before he disgraces Catholic faith any more than he has already.

    • “Urge Francis to remove Lynch before he disgraces Catholic faith any more than he has already”. Good luck with that.

  11. This isn’t surprising since I don’t know of any “progressive” bishop that actually likes the TLM; much less is ready to promote it.

  12. When a bishop chooses his episcopal motto, it can be in any language, so it isn’t surprising that many, if not most, American bishops’ mottos are displayed on their coats of arms in English. Bishop Robert Lynch, who made a superfluous comment in his letter regarding how few priests in his diocese understand Latin, nevertheless chose, upon episcopal ordination in 1996, to publish his motto in Latin: “Pro Amicus Suis” (“For His friends”), drawn from John 15:13.

  13. I see this as an opportunity…
    “And now, therefore, I say to you, refrain from these men, and let them alone; for if this council or this work be of men, it will come to nought; but if it be of God, you cannot overthrow it, lest perhaps you be found even to fight against God…” Acts 5:38-39

  14. stay the course and hold out and remain firm in faith, he is in error by doing this; according to Summorum Pontificum; keep the Masses being celebrated.

  15. Hello all. This may seem slighty off-topic to some, not sure, but I had to post. I also have recently had problems with the Novus Ordo form of the Mass as I have had to attend it at school, but I have learnt a lot becuase of the absence of the Tradition. Having been introduced to the Traditional in grade eight, I learnt I was not participating at Mass properly. I learnt how to better participate through the Traditional but it was when the Traditional was taken away that I was forced to find spiritual direction and learn to participate better at Mass so that I could participate properly at the Novus Ordo. For the longest time, I would not say the responses because constently responding became a distraction. Now I can say the responses, for the most part, and still contemplate the deeper meaning of the Mass. For those of you who are now in the same position I was in, having problems properly participating at the Novus Ordo, if the Tradtional is impossible to get to, do not forsake the Mass. Pray to God to teach you through the intercession of Mary who stood at the foot of the cross in the midst of the blaspheming crowd and who contemplating some inner beauty in the physically disfigured body of her Son. Miracles can happen and when God gives you back the Traditional, maybe you will have learnt how to participate at Mass better and can better appreciate its beauty. God bless, and you are definitely in my prayers

    “You have asked (indeed) who has added to the form of the words which Christ Himself expressed when He changed the bread and wine into the body and blood, that in the Canon of the Mass which the general Church uses, which none of the Evangelists is read to have expressed… In the Canon of the Mass that expression, ‘mysterium fidei,’ is found interposed among His words…. Surely we find many such things omitted from the words as well as from the deeds of the Lord by the Evangelists, which the Apostles are read to have supplied by word or to have expressed by deed… From the expression, moreover, concerning which your brotherhood raised the question, namely ‘mysterium fidei,’ certain people have thought to draw a protection against error, saying that in the sacrament of the altar the truth of the body and blood of Christ does not exist, but only the image and species and figure, inasmuch as Scripture sometimes mentions that what is received at the altar is sacrament and mystery and example. But such run into a snare of error, by reason of the fact that they neither properly understand the authority of Scripture, nor do they reverently receive the sacraments of God, equally ‘ignorant of the Scriptures and the power of God’ [Matt. 22:29]…. Yet ‘mysterium fidei’ is mentioned, since something is believed there other than what is perceived; and something is perceived other than is believed. For the species of bread and wine is perceived there, and the truth of the body and blood of Christ is believed and the power of unity and of love…Therefore, we believe that the form of words, as is found in the Canon, the Apostles received from Christ, and their successors from them…” (Pope Innocent III, 1202 A.D.)

  16. If there are so few priests who know Latin, is that not the Bishops’ own fault? I don’t think he realises that he is admitting his own guilt in not forming priests properly.

  17. Well, Summorum has provided the legal avenue for the parishioners to override the Bishop, if they will use it. Naturally, it will take time. But a legal document is in force right now, even under Francis, that expressly forbids this kind of action and also makes it quite clear that the Bishops can not, legally, do this.

    Lynch’s past dubious history which includes financial malfeasance and sodomy-enabling (if not sodomy practicing) makes his actions hardly surprising, Perhaps Mrs Schiavo, whose murder he showed such indifference to, will be praying for him.

  18. What do you expect? As long as we have so many bishops who are dissident, gay and old, this kind of rot will remain the institutionalized norm. We know what will renew and revitalize the Church, and bishops like this don’t want any part of it. May they all retire soon.

  19. His
    Priests do not need his permission to offer the TLM in their respective
    Parishes, and wasn’t that the whole idea from the Pope Emeritus
    Benedict XVI, that permission for TLM was done away with?

    • Here’s the problem, Michael. Sure, a priest can say TLM. But the Ordinary can just as easily transfer that priest to the soup kitchen ministry or – worse yet – transfer that priest to work at a desk in the Chancery. All perfectly legal. So, if the priests know the Ordinary is dead set against TLM, how many of those priests will risk it???

      • It is up to the people (not the Priests) to stand up to the Bishop by contacting the appropriate Vatican Congregation and Tribunal at the Vatican.

        As the saying goes – when good men do nothing, evil wins.

        • I know your aim is to be helpful, but it is profoundly insulting to the faithful here to imply that they have done nothing. For years, letters have been written and objections made known. They have worked tirelessly trying to change the situation. Unfortunately, the odds against them are overwhelming. This is a diocese of retirees. We have a constant influx of baby boomers who not only don’t care about the TLM, they actively reject it. Any parish that has hosted a Latin Mass has an abundance of “informers” with nothing better to do in their retirement than write letters to the bishop reporting on the subversive activity of all those weird traddies. The only things that give us hope are the constant rosary novenas for the bishop and his successor.

          • Some folks who have been blessed with an FSSP parish or a diocesan Latin Mass – oftentimes on the coat tails of the SSPX (IOW: being forced. Another reason why the FSSP isn’t received with warm fuzzy hugs.) – refuse to understand the predicament and hard work, prayers, and suffering/sacrifice of others. Many others.

            They also don’t understand that laying the lion’s share of the blame on the laity is just another distraction from bad bishops and their tendency to penalize priests who desire to offer the TLM. (I cannot think of any other family wherein the children are blamed for the antics of the parents. Really.)

            In their defense, however, it would seem from trolling around the blogosphere, that these well intended have been taught this shame and blame methodology by other Catholics who see this as a game of “who-is-holier.” (This is also what fuels, in my view, the easily manipulated “zeal” of those holy informers who want to preen fidelity feathers. Yet another distraction and a disruption of obtaining traditional mass and sacraments.)

            God bless you, MEC88, for your suffering. And it is suffering. I pray that Our Lord will reward your patience – sooner rather than later 🙂

          • Then you must do your best to step up your efforts using Benedict’s Motu Proprio, which makes it CRYSTAL CLEAR that no Bishop can do what Lynch has just done. You have a legal instrument in your hands now to use against this clown so do not hesitate to use it. While there will be the usual agonizing Vatican delays you have a perfect case against Lynch and the law is totally on your side.

            This has the makings of a perfect test case and if Rome is going to enforce its own laws Lynch will be slapped down…and it would send shock waves throughout the Church.

            You parishioners have your work cut out for you, but you must “go for it” as they say. I wish you well in these continued efforts.

          • Here here. Exactly right. Don’t give up! They delay and delay and delay and this is intenional: they want you to give up trying. God is on your side.

  20. The Mass of all Ages is not extraordinary. It has existed for centuries and will exist until the world ends.

      • In point of fact, historical research, both Catholic and Protestant, has shown the Traditional Mass dates back to at least the fourth century (prior to that time, the Church was subject to severe persecution, and therefore, historical records are sparse.) Since then, until 1962, when Pope John XXIII added the name of St. Joseph to the Canon of the Mass, a total of 26 words have been added to the Traditional Canon, by Popes St. Leo (440-461) and St. Gregory the Great (590-604). Thus, as the Council of Trent accurately states, the Canon “is composed out of the very words of the Lord, the tradition of the Apostles, and the pious institutions of the holy pontiffs.”

        In the course of history some further additions were made-though never any subtractions. As a result, the Council of Trent ordered that “all such accretions should be removed, and that the Church should firmly establish the use of the Mass as it was in the Traditional Mass. This is the “Mass of All Times”. This is the Mass that was codified by Pope Saint Pius V in 1570 after the Council of Trent. This is the Mass Paul VI CHANGED, because, among other things, it contained “undesirable features” and “failed adequately to express the holy things it signified.”

        So, for centuries, according to one pope, Paul VI, the Mass of all Ages” was defective! How arrogant and blasphemous.

        The so-called “extraordinary” Mass allowed by Benedict is not the Traditional Latin Mass, the “Mass of all Ages” but the counterfeit Novus Ordo mass said in Latin.

  21. With all due respect to Steve and Brian, but seriously: What’s the point of posting this article? This sort of thing has been going on for many years, and what is the response? What it always is: “Well., we gotta obey the bishop.” So naturally the priest will dutifully obey this blanking APOSTATE bishop who is not even Catholic and go quietly, instead of standing up and saying “NO WAY am I abandoning my people, and leaving them without the Mass that has made saints and which they have a RIGHT to, and which no bishop can order me to not offer.” NOOOO

    Obedience obedience is the only thing that matters any more. Well when in the hell are we going to obey GOD rather than apostate scumbag bishops who aren’t even Catholic?

    • What do you propose? and he’s no apostate, that’s a strong claim to make against one of the Apostles of God. He’s wrong, and he’s helped ruin much more than the diocese (me being from a nearby diocese of his, have felt it.) But he’s not an apostate/

  22. I always write a hand written letter to these bishops. We the laity are not under the same vow of obedience that priests are. I always take time to send an admonishing letter. If the thousands who love the traditional liturgy did the same, we’d be someplace.

    They can ignore us, but not all of us. Email doesn’t work, but real letters, they have to open and read them. Be prayerful, but be strong. You can also snark them a little, because there is nothing the left hates more than ironic statements made about their positions.

    • The seminary Lynch and co run does not teach latin, either the minor or the major. I learned Latin in high school and attended a Church in Jacksonville which had the indult. I was one of 2 people out of 100+ men who knew Latin. They do this on purpose.

  23. For those in the Diocese of St. Petersburg, FL, and are affected by this decision of Bishop Robert N. Lynch – please consider the following:

    1) Write a letter to the “Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments”; with a copy to the “Tribunal Segnatura Apostolica”.

    2) Be sure to attach a copy of ” Summorum Pontificum” (which can be printed directly from the Vatican web site), and a copy of Bishop Lynch’s letter.

    State your case clearly and as briefly as possible.
    State the relief you want from the Bishop’s decision.
    Have as many people sign the letter as possible.
    If there are other appropriate/constructive suggestions to assist those in the St. Petersburg Diocese, by other posters, please respond.

    • Not directly related to the Lynch decision, – we should all encourage our Bishops to require ALL Diocese Seminaries to teach both the OF and EF of the Mass – so that Priests may serve all the People of God.

      Latin should be a required language at all Seminaries.

        • Send your Diocese Bishop a copy of “Summorum Pontificum:, and politely ask him anyway.

          Nothing is accomplished by sitting on one’s hands.

          • Mike, just so you know, I do not attend any Novus Ordo mass. I attend a Traditional Catholic Church led by the CMRI.

            When I did attend a Novus Ordo church, I sent a letter to the Diocese Bishop and he replied that he wouldn’t allow the Latin Mass because “not many people in the Diocese asked for it.” Living in a predominant, “cafeteria Catholic” area, it didn’t surprise me.

          • I should have said I am a Roman Catholic who believes in the true teachings of Christ and in the indefectibility of the one, true Church He founded. I believe that He warned us of false prophets and there would always be those who are wolves in sheep’s clothing. I believe Christ gave the keys to the kingdom to Peter and to his lawful and valid successor’s and that the gates of Hell will never destroy His Church.

          • If you attend CMRI services this group is not Catholic although they pretend to be.
            It does not believe in the succession of our Popes, plus more as evidenced by their own web site.
            They are Sedevacantist.
            They make up their own rules on who is right and who is wrong regarding the one true Church – without any authority given by Christ.

          • The novus ordo V2 ‘church’ is heretical & schismatic.If the novus ordo V2 church is catholic,then gates of Hell have prevailed.
            The CMRI are wrong as the obey all the heretical changes from 1951-1958.Our Chapel keeps the pre-1950 True Roman Catholic Faith alive during this trial for beloved Catholic Faith.So you don’t fast after midnight,attend services of priest’s and bishops who received invalid post June 1968 Anglican-esque “holy orders” and I’m Schismatic?
            Have a blessed day Sir.

      • Good! Follow up with Ecclesea Dei, be respectful but be persistent. Continue to contact them until you get a response, don’t just simply send the letter and do nothing. Follow up, continue to follow up, it may take several months, but Summorum Pontificim is quite clear, the Extraordinary Form of the Mass MUST be permitted. God be with you all in your struggle.

  24. Code of Canon Law:

    ” 212 §2. The Christian faithful are free to make known to the pastors of the Church their needs, especially spiritual ones, and their desires.”

    “212 §3. According to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they possess, they (lay persons) have the right and even at times the duty
    to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church
    and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful,
    without prejudice to the integrity of faith and morals,
    with reverence toward their pastors,
    and attentive to common advantage and the dignity of persons.”

    The verbiage of 212.3 is also included in the CCC as part of the Doctrine of the Faith. We all have a duty to act, not just sit on our hands and merely complain.

  25. Very sad. I wonder what would happen if these good people just in their being “territorial” decided to tithe elsewhere.

  26. Not surprising, since this is the same degenerate bishop who supports gay marriage.

    The made the following statement earlier this year:

    “Therefore, I do not wish to lend our voice to notions which might suggest that same-sex couples are a threat incapable of sharing relationships marked by love and holiness and, thus, incapable of
    contributing to the edification of both the church and the wider society.”

  27. It’s not surprising, coming from the same bishop who supports gay marriage.

    The made the following statement earlier this year:

    “Therefore, I do not wish to lend our voice to notions which might suggest that same-sex couples are a threat incapable of sharing relationships marked by love and holiness and, thus, incapable of
    contributing to the edification of both the church and the wider society.”

  28. Just be done with the Novus Ordo Church that has already lost the Faith. What do I say to Incarnation Church: resist. Just say NO to this illegal act and take a stand once. Refuse to stop the Tridentine Mass. The bishop can’t force them to stop. Stand strong for once and tell this imposter of a Catholic bishop that we refuse to obey laws contrary to the Laws of Christ and His Church.

  29. To all those faithful in this affected parish: The Bishop DOES NOT have the authority to stop the Latin Mass. Per Summorum Pontificum, I urge the parish members to contact the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”. Summorum Pontificum ensures that a Latin Mass MUST be provided upon request. The “Bishop” is violating a Papal edict.

  30. I was converting to Catholicism but now I don’t know. All the parishes I find are basically Protestant. Even the Abbott at St Leo Abbey has ‘liked’ images supporting gay marriage on his FaceBook.

  31. Man, this guy is REALLY out to lunch! I mean REALLY out of touch with reality! Young families are flocking to the Latin and all! And learning Latin in the process..which really helps with learning 7 other Latin based languages! Theres a sense of the mystical, something past the regular, something we crave..a deep, quiet, mystical connection, an awe, a time to connect with God..we all up to Dad and Mom..We got really burnt out on that new mass, the ridiculous modern art, MTV music jams..we can go to cocerts for that..but to commune with God, in the silence of a very apparent mass as prayer..mystical body of Christ experience..well..hate to say it, young families are in…thats what we crave..that sense of the holy..the real holy..and its just noy happening at the gone weird modern love fest services..Hope this guy realizes where the church is headed by where the young families are flocking..hes really missing a MAJOR over time trend here…good luck with things..

  32. Follow the unrighteous king and you will go down with him. Time to pick up the cross and realize the Catholic Church without these crooks. Obedience only to Jesus, God.

  33. The Novus Ordo Church is NOT the One Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church of Christ. The sooner everyone figures that out the sooner the Church can reclaim Vatican City from the modernists.

  34. In light of Bishop Lynch’s recent rant blaming Catholic moral teaching for the violence at the nightclub, “Pulse”, and his seeming disdain for the needs of the flock in his Diocese regarding Summorum Pontificum; seems to imply that he is a modernist of the type St. Pope Pius X warned and condemned. We need to pray for these “bishops” who instead of shepherding the flock entrusted to them, act to divide the flock and extinguish the Light of Faith in their souls. Bishop Lynch, please stop being a priest for yourself and start being a priest for Jesus Christ who called you to a great dignity and before Whom you will render account of your life and actions at your particular judgement. Praying for you.

  35. I am so sick of the leadership , so many heresies and so many falsehoods being said and taught, The Pope said the Word of God is dangerous , that Christ was a failure, These are not really the Lord’s anointed , Conspiracy theorists have many theories but its no theory that these clergy are corrupt, for whatever secret order they serve, None of these Popes have been Israelite like Peter, none of the clergy are Israelite like Peter or Paul or any of the other apostles, Jesus was Israelite, they are so backwards, how is latin more important than Hebrew, how are these latin cultures more important than any culture not latin, the original catholic culture was founded by Christ a Hebrew not an Italian or German, or Polish man, So if we are going to honor one language as sacred it should be Hebrew beyond a doubt, Latin and all that came from it is only an evil , I cringe anymore attending mass, this Argentinian Pope is not our Master or King, I think all catholics should rid themselves of the Roman Rite and all its subordinates and form a new council, its the papacy that has become so dangerous , maybe we should all be more like the Old Catholic Church with no Pope and just have a council , and one that each bishop only resides on a yearly basis, so that the council renews each year with new bishops, so that there is only a year of corruption if the council should be corrupt for that year, the next year the other bishops could elect a new council.

  36. I never liked Latin Mass, good ole English and maybe they should teach us Hebrew since that was the language of our Lord Jesus Christ.


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