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José Antonio Ureta

The Primacy of Adoration

Critique of Desiderio Desideravi, pt. 1 Editor’s Introduction: We begin the publication, in five successive articles, of an important study by José Antonio Ureta about the theological foundations on which the recent apostolic exhortation Desiderio Desideravi rests. The author argues that these foundations manifestly differ from those of Pius XII’s encyclical Mediator Dei to the…

Defending Ultramontanism

The editor of OnePeterFive was kind enough to invite submissions regarding the origin of the excessive submissiveness of many Catholics to Pope Francis’s manifestly erroneous teachings and measures. He says such attitude stems from “a false spirit of Vatican I” and what he calls hyperüberultramontanism. This seemingly humorous expression appears to be an anti-polemical hedge.…

Leo XIII: The First Liberal Pope Who Went Beyond His Authority

Liberal Catholics: “The Sole Rule of Salvation Is to be With the Living Pope” (as Long as He is a Liberal…) — In a previous article, I cleared up the misunderstanding that has led some traditionalists to blame ultramontanes and a so-called spirit of Vatican I for the “papolatry” exhibited by some Catholics who believe…

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