Archive for

Kennedy Hall

Chapter III

Read chapter I here Read chapter II here *** Malthus my boy,   I see you are continuing with the trickle of simple temptations at the mother and father, and they seem to be doing the job, for now. Constant video watching and electronic networking provides sufficient distraction for both of them. The woman is…

Chapter II

Read chapter I here. *** Malthus my boy,   I have received the dossier on your specimens, and although it was tardy and should have been handed in sooner—do not let that happen again—it is informative enough for now. Alas, the father does not as of yet have a habit of utilizing sexualized imagery for…

Chapter I

A time will come when the decisive battle between the kingdom of Christ and Satan will be over marriage and the family. –Sister Lucia, Seer of Fatima When Mary has struck her roots in a soul, she produces there marvels of grace, which she alone can produce. –True Devotion to Mary, Saint Louis de Montfort…

Marxist Masterstroke

Much ink has been spilled over the topic of lockdowns and the coronavirus, and the past 19 months have been some of the strangest in recent history. This time has been extremely difficult for many, especially for those who have had their business shuttered by unjust and indefinite closures and restrictions. In addition, the continual…

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