Trad Godfathers at Vatican II: Lefebvre on the Eve of the Council
These vota give Lefebvre a prophetic cast.
These vota give Lefebvre a prophetic cast.
Above: Archbishop Lefebvre with Pius XII. Lefebvre and other members of the Coetus were respected by the popes before Paul VI, including by John XXIII. There will be factions. This is the first rule of all voting assemblies, from the Roman Senate to the US House of Representatives. To believe that this rule does not…
The traditional Roman rite of the Mass was never abrogated, whatever His Eminence the finora Vescovo di Leeds may think to imply. Deo gratias. One shudders to imagine the alternative, which may it please God will never come to pass. That the traditional Missal was never abrogated—though one might have been forgiven for believing it…