Archive for

Diane Montagna

Bishop Schneider Responds to “TERRA DEL CIELO” Controversy and Consecration of Russia

[UPDATE] March 25, 2022 (OnePeterFive)—In recent days, controversy has arisen over a discrepancy in the translation of a title attributed to Our Lady, in the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart to be offered by Pope Francis this evening in St. Peter’s Basilica. Whereas the English translation says: Therefore, O Mother, hear our prayer.…

Bishop Schneider Calls on Pope Francis to Rescind Traditionis Custodes

See this article in Spanish here from InfoVaticana. ROME, January 10, 2022 – Bishop Athanasius Schneider is inviting Pope Francis to “rescind” the canonical provisions contained in Traditionis Custodes and in the Responsa ad dubia issued by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (CDW) just before Christmas.  The auxiliary bishop…

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