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1P5 Podcast – Episode 24: Paris Attacks the “Application of Islamic Teaching in Practice”


In the wake of the Paris attacks, Steve speaks to Islamic Scholar and author Andrew Bieszad, who says that the kinds of terror attacks we’re seeing from ISIS are nothing more than “The Application of Islamic Teaching in Practice.”

Worse yet, Andrew believes this is just the beginning of what’s to come. From France to Europe, America to the Vatican, Mohammed to the the role that a consecrated Russia may play in the war against global jihad, this interview begins the exploration of issues we’ll be facing for years — if not generations — to come.


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26 thoughts on “1P5 Podcast – Episode 24: Paris Attacks the “Application of Islamic Teaching in Practice””

  1. Awesome podcast Andrew and Steve. I appreciate Andrew going into the details of Russia and Our Lady of Fatima, as it ties everything together and is completely relevant today. What is frightening is that the Muslims want to take Rome, and part of the 3rd Secret (the part that was actually revealed by the Vatican in 2000) divulged a fallen and destroyed Rome with (potentially) an antipope and the real Pope being murdered by soldiers on a mountain. This actually does not seem far fetched anymore.

    Fatima was a call for Muslims to convert to Catholicism, as the city was named after Muhammad’s youngest daughter. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. Immaculate Heart of Mary, grant us peace.

  2. Read the documents of Islam, the Koran, the Hadith etc., and you will know that assertions of Islamic irenicism are utter nonsense. Unfortunately for us, the Catholic Church since at least Vatican II has completely swallowed a dangerous liberal mythology about this poisonous religion. Our current pope is a classic exponent of this erroneous thinking, but he is not the first to live in the Vatican. My brain is branded with the astounding image of John Paul II kissing the Koran, one of the foulest documents in human history, on a par with Mein Kampf. What could he have been thinking?

  3. Oh goodness. Yes, the Muslims just pranced across all these borders magically. There was no concerted effort on any particular group’s part to “make it so”, or so we are to believe? Please give me a break.

    Europe was a Catholic fortress up until the 1500s when the Popes got in bed with the bankers.

    What changed? Who changed it? Why was it changed? History doesn’t happen in a vacuum — there is NO ACCIDENTAL theory of history.

    Who has the means, the motive, and the opportunity?
    Can you spell J-u-d-a-i-c-s and their club for the dumb Gentiles, F-r-e-e-m-a-s-o-n-r-y?

    Read the unexpurgated Talmud, (the foulest document(s) ever committed to oral and written tradition) wherein Jesus is boiling excrement in hell, and the Virgin Mary is a whore and hairdresser who ‘made it’ with carpenters, and the ‘other’ (meaning any non-Judaic) is nothing but ‘supernal trash’, and wherein Gentiles live only to serve Judaics and even the best among the Gentiles should be killed; and there is much more.
    Who conducts war ‘by way of deceit’? Who is the eternal enemy of Christ and His Church? Who conspired to kill Jesus Christ? (Oh, wait…let me guess. It was Allah’s followers! Yeah, that’s the ticket!)

    MY brain is branded with Wojtyla stepping foot into a synagogue and Montini wearing rabbinical symbols on this vestments, and Ratzinger calling judaics our ‘elder brothers in faith’ and going to the synagogue many times and Bergoglio hiding his pectoral cross in front of them and laying a wreath at Theodore Hertzl’s grave, and lighting menorahs in Argentina.

    What Montini, Wojtyla, Ratzinger and Bergoglio have done and said and written goes against the teaching of EVERY Pope who wrote or said ANYTHING about the Judaics before Vatican II. So who is running Rome?

  4. Well of course it is war. When will people look at what is staring them in the face. The Paris attacks are one aspect of orthodox Islam authorised by their rophet. Mark you they have a choice. They and can choose other ways of imposing the Caliphate. It is up to the individual Muslim.

    We are at war with Islam. Yes war. Bullets, explosives, wrecked aircraft, people shot, tortured, massacred. War!

    And it is only just getting under way!

    “Blessed Michael defend us in the hour of battle”

  5. An excellent podcast, I think. I cannot be sure because the audio quality of Andrew’s side of the conversation was so poor that he was at times incomprehensible. Unfortunately, I just gave up about half-way through and stopped listening. What I could understand, though, made it clear to me that everything he said was true.

    I hope that in the future, if there are any more podcasts like this, The audio quality of the telephone portion will be as good as the rest of the podcast.

  6. i agree. We have been at the beginning of the end for some time now. Unless the West returns to God there is no hope. Muslims have much on their side:
    1). Desire for world domination.
    2). Faith that God is on their side.
    3). Utter ruthlessness,
    4). Willingness to suffer.
    5). Willingness to wait.
    6). Willingness to produce lots of children.
    7). The unwillingness of the West to see Islam for the political/religion it is.
    8). The spiritual weakness of the West and the loss of the Catholic faith.
    9). A highly compromised and militantly weak Catholic religion especially since Vatican II.
    10). Refusal of the Western nations to produce children.

    • Worse: the West produces children then aborts them in satanic temples called abortion clinics. Read: blood sacrifice called “choice”.

      Pray the Rosary to defeat this.

  7. SUCH a good point that secular resistance to Islam will fail because of the supernatural aspect. And that the only times that Jihad has been defeated is when it has fought against the Catholics. I never really thought about that, although I’ve always known of the demonic nature of Jihad, and that we are fighting demons as much as we are fighting human beings. That was just such a very good point, thanks for putting it out there!

  8. An address by Pope Francis in 2013 during Ramadan:

    To Muslims throughout the World:

    “It gives me great pleasure to greet you as you celebrate ‘Id al-Fitr’, so concluding the month of Ramadan, dedicated mainly to fasting, prayer and almsgiving.

    What we are called to respect in each person is first of all his life, his physical integrity, his dignity and the rights deriving from that dignity, his reputation, his property, his ethnic and cultural identity, his ideas and his political choices. We are therefore called to think, speak and write respectfully of the other, not only in his presence, but always and everywhere, avoiding unfair criticism or defamation. Families, schools, religious teaching and all forms of media have a role to play in achieving this goal.

    Turning to mutual respect in interreligious relations, especially between Christians and Muslims, we are called to respect the religion of the other, its teachings, its symbols, its values. Particular respect is due to religious leaders and to places of worship. How painful are attacks on one or other of these!

    Regarding the education of Muslim and Christian youth, we have to bring up our young people to think and speak respectfully of other religions and their followers, and to avoid ridiculing or denigrating their convictions and practices.”

  9. If only our leaders believed and spoke in the same frank manner as Andrew Bieszad concerning Islam. This is a podcast that should be trotted out after each subsequent attack, to remind people how the Muslim mind works and their ultimate goal of total submission of the world to Islam. These are dangerous, but predictable times. Our greatest weapon is the Rosary, pray it for the defeat and conversion of all Muslims.

  10. “I’ve [inaudible] Islam and Muslims for more than seventeen years. This is, more than half my life. And I can say for a fact: there is a supernatural quality about Islam when you spend enough time with it.”

    – Andrew Bieszad @25:00 approx.

    I agree. Great interview.


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