Today’s podcast was also produced on video. Please tell us what you think!
Guests: Michael Smalanskas, recent Theology & Philosophy graduate (Magna Cum Laude) and former Resident Advisor at Providence College; Catholic author, speaker, and gay outreach evangelist Joseph Sciambra.
Description: Michael Smalanskas, a senior at the Dominican-run Providence College in Rhode Island, was required as a dormitory Resident Advisor to keep a bulletin board updated with informational materials of his choosing. After seeing a bulletin board in another dorm promoting lesbian marriage, Smalanskas decided to put up a pro-marriage bulletin board featuring Scripture and Church teaching on the sacrament. What ensued was a campaign of harassment and intimidation from other students and Resident Advisors, and the cold shoulder from the school’s administration — even after Michael received a drawing he says threatened him with rape. After significant media attention, the president of the college — a Dominican priest — finally released what read as a reluctant statement of condemnation of such acts.
But as graduation approached, Michael found himself facing a new threat: murder. And once again, administration did nothing – except blame the victim.
ALSO (Go to 41:38): Pope Francis recently made headlines again after allegedly telling Chilean sex abuse victim Juan Carlos cruz — a homosexual — that “God made you like this. God loves you like this. The Pope loves you like this and you should love yourself and not worry about what people say.” Former gay man, author, and founder of outreach and apostolate programs for those afflicted with same-sex attraction, Joseph Sciambra, explains why the pope’s comments are doing much more harm than good.
NOTE: After this podcast was recorded, Michael Smalanskas informed us that the college had a restraining order served against him at work today. The college has also issued a no trespass directive against him — even though he’s supposed to be getting married on campus in a matter of weeks.
UPDATE: Steve Maurano, who identified himself as a spokesman for Providence College, contacted us tonight with the following statement: “A civil restraining order was issued by the court after Mr. Smalanskas’ unacceptable conduct toward a member of our community on campus this past weekend. Because of the serious nature of his actions, the College has restricted his access to campus.” When we asked whether they could provide any details on the alleged “unacceptable conduct” — conduct that Smalanskas is denying ever took place with a member of the faculty who has been oppositional towards his position in the past — we were told, “We have no further comment at this time.”
With that in mind, here’s the contact info for everyone we could find in the President’s office:
Office of the President
Harkins Hall, Room 218
Phone: 401.865.2055
Rev. Brian J. Shanley, O.P.
President, Providence College
Phone: 401.865.2153
Rev. Kenneth R. Sicard, O.P.
Executive Vice President/Treasurer
Phone: 401.865.2055
[email protected]
Ann Manchester-Molak
Assistant to the President & Executive Vice President/Treasurer
Phone: 401.865.2406
[email protected]
Nancy J. Kelley
Sr. Executive Assistant to the President
Phone: 401.865.2153
[email protected]
Teresa R. Cunningham
Administrative Coordinator
Phone: 401.865.2055
[email protected]
Related Links:
- Providence College President Finally Shamed Into Addressing Anti-Catholic Incidents (1P5)
- 1P5 Podcast: Ep. 46 – Student Harassed At Catholic Providence College For Pro-Marriage Bulletin Board
- Providence College Bullies Its Faithful Students – (Crisis)
- Catholic Student Punished For Promoting Catholic Marriage At Catholic University (Daily Caller)
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