As the week — and the month — wind to a close, I wanted to thank you all once again for your readership of 1P5. We know that you have more options than ever for good Catholic news and commentary, and we’re happy that you choose to be here.
It’s a weird time we’re living in, and you don’t need me to tell you that. The corruption in the Church is largely being eclipsed by the disruption of society, from the ongoing repercussions of the pandemic to the protestst-turned-riots that have dominated the news for months, the the effects of Hurricane Laura on our friends in the Gulf Coast (prayers for them, please!), to so many more things that seem to all be happening in between. It’s certainly been a crazy year, and we’ve still got a little less than half of it to go. It will no doubt have more surprises for us in store.
As we move forward, seeking to address not just current events, but to enlighten our audience on the perennial treasures and teachings of the faith, we also need your assistance.
Thanks to our generous supporters, we are currently at 82% of our monthly fundraising goal with three days to go. We only need just one little push — about $3,500 — to get us over the top and hit the mark for August.
Thank you so much to everyone who has donated this month so far!
For those who have not yet had the opportunity to support us in August, your tax-deductible gift of just $5, $10, or $20 would go a very long way.
I won’t belabor the point with a long-winded request – you’ve no doubt seen more than your share. But if you’d like to support us, it would mean a great deal. We’ve had some under-funded months this year, and we’d be very grateful for your support.
If you’d like to support us right now, you don’t even have to leave the page. Just click on the button below. You can also head over to our full online donor page, or send a check by mail. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions via our contact page.
May God bless you abundantly for your readership and support. We’ll see you next week!