It was bound to happen sooner or later.
A 20-year-old woman in Arizona — who is, and I’m not making this up, dating a guy named “Lücifer” — has gone to a crowd-funding website to raise money for her abortion. She is approaching the 20-week threshold which would move the abortion into the category of “late term.” Babies have survived outside the womb at as early as 21 weeks.
From Rare:
“Aside from having no desire to raise a child, she is economically unstable and can barely afford to support herself, which means having enough money to pay rent, smoke cigarettes, drink rockstar, support her friends in prison, and if she’s really busted her ass, maybe go to a show or two,” her boyfriend writes on
“My point here is that she lives a simple lifestyle and is struggling even to hold that together — and before I see another comment about this, I know y’all drink coffee, beer or juice, you probably even eat good food every day!” he added.
“It’s scary. It’s a surgery. In Illinois it’s a two-day surgery. And it’s painful, like any surgery is going to be. It’s just an absolutely necessary thing, so I’m more nervous about running out of time than any pain,” she added.
When asked by Vice why she was crowdfunding her abortion, Bailey responded:
We’re broke kids who really need to have this abortion, and you see crowdsourcing for all kinds of things. You see it for things like, “Help me press this record!” or “Help me pay my rent!” We saw that Kickstarter that made a bunch of money for the potato salad thing. If people want to donate, they can, which is a lot easier than going and asking people.
I’m hoping people will [donate], but it’s also totally fine if people don’t. I know if I saw something like this I’d be like, I want to help this person to make sure they live the life they want to live. It’s more time-sensitive than some of the other things that you see.
Pray for Bailey. Pray that she changes her mind. If you’re reading this, your prayers matter. Rosaries. Adoration. Penances. Love her. Love her child. We have a name, someone specific to storm heaven for. Do it!
And in what I see as a related story, the always-disturbing Amanda Marcotte at Slate was busy yesterday chastising comedian Mindy Kaling for saying that abortions aren’t appropriate subject matter for sitcoms:
Dr. Mindy Lahiri, the loveable lead played by Mindy Kaling in the sitcom The Mindy Project, is an OB-GYN. Her job functions as more than background decoration, as Jessica Goldstein of ThinkProgress notes. “One of the most standout things about The Mindy Project is the way its setting has allowed for stories that explicitly deal with women’s health,” she writes, citing storylines about birth control, condom distribution, and even The Talk.
But there’s one aspect of reproductive health care that Kaling has no intention of touching on in the sitcom: abortion. “It would be demeaning to the topic to talk about it in a half-hour sitcom,” she recently said in the October issue of Flare.
Sorry, but that’s total nonsense. Abortion is actually a perfect topic for a half-hour comedy, because it touches on so many themes that comedy writers love to mine for the laughs: sex, relationships, the massive gulf between our best intentions and our actual life choices. That’s why comedy writers circle back to unintended pregnancy time and time again in hit movies like Knocked Up and Juno. And as the movie Obvious Child demonstrated, you can mine those same themes with a character who decides against carrying the pregnancy to term as with someone who has the baby. In fact, Prachi Gupta at Salon has helpfully listed all the half-hour sitcoms, going back to Maude in 1972, that have discussed abortion. Girlsalone showed how easy it is, if you let go of the fear of getting letters from anti-choice nuts, to make some really funny jokes about abortion.
The frustrating thing is that a real-life Dr. Lahiri would be quite familiar with abortion. Three out of 10 women will have an abortion in their lifetimes. A 2011 study from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists found that 97 percent of OB-GYNs have had a patient ask about abortion. While only 14 percent of OB-GYNs actually offer abortion services, a real-life Dr. Lahiri would be a likely candidate, as the same survey found that young doctors were more likely to offer abortion than older doctors, and female doctors were nearly twice as likely to offer it as male doctors. In the real world, someone as urbane and laid-back as Dr. Lahiri would be exactly who you’d expect to offer abortion, or at least be generous with abortion referrals if unable to do it herself.
And of course, not included in the data is how much of an effect cultural acceptance of abortion through entertainment and other media influences young women to make these choices. Not least in a format that would only make light of the decision, reducing it to a throwaway joke rather than a serious issue of conscience to be contended with.
The wrath of God for a society so hell-bent on the destruction of its most innocent is going to be terrifying.