The Hyperpapalist Interpretation of Pastor Aeternus: Why Modernists and Sedevacantists are Both Wrong
When modernists, hyperpapalist conservatives, and sedevacantists agree.
When modernists, hyperpapalist conservatives, and sedevacantists agree.
Fulton J. Sheen said that it would be up to the people to save the church.
Even if the Francis pontificate is the worst in history, we can still find a number of good things that Pope Francis has done.
It is true that the doctrinal corruption is the worst corruption of all, in the same way that the First Commandment is First, and idolatry is the worst sin.
In both of the first two pornocracies, a period of unprecedented corruption preceded a yet more glorious and unprecedented triumph and renewal.
When we encounter crises in the Church, we need to look to the end of time and the reign of Antichrist.
But some suggest Cardinal Rampolla was the origin, as he was accused of occult membership when he was elected pope in 1903 and then vetoed.
The faithful are ultimately preserved from dangerous error not by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the pope.
By the very nature of the bishop’s office he cannot be removed unjustly because he is free to use his native jurisdictional power to oppose an arbitrary and openly tyrannical act of the pope.
There is only one way to harmonize these passages which the inspired Evangelist has, with good reason, placed side by side.
"The power of the Pope over the Church… neither knows nor tolerates any limits."