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classroom chairs teach

How Students Should Learn, and How Teachers Should Teach

The term “Magisterium” is a relatively new term that became prevalent in the past few generations of Church history. Before this, there was a distinction made within the Church Militant between the Ecclesia Docens (“Teaching Church”) and the Ecclesia Discens (“Learning Church”). The Baltimore Catechism: How may the members of the Church on earth be…

green ghost spirit

Vatican II Cannot Be Separated from Its ‘Spirit’

We have heard it all before. “The Second Vatican Council was not the problem; the problem was the ‘Spirit of Vatican II.’ The documents themselves are not that bad. Modernists hijacked the confusion after the Council, Traditionalists who bash Vatican II probably don’t even know anything about the documents. Archbishop Lefebvre even signed most of…

pope francis plane open letter

The SSPX, the Open Letter, and the Heresies of Pope Francis

Note from the Editors: The arguments contained in the following are not necessarily the position of 1P5. However, we believe that what you will read here is an important contribution to the ongoing theological debate about what can, in practical terms, be done about our heretical pope. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre distinguished himself during and after…

The Pope Forces the Question: What Good Is the New Catechism?

Part of the problem with Pope Francis’s change to the Catechism on the legitimacy of the death penalty – a decision on which he is doubling down in the face of worldwide opposition from theologically literate Catholics – is that it fundamentally misconstrues the role of a catechism. A catechism is not, and has never been…

De Mattei: A Response to Edward Peters on the Buenos Aires Letter & Authentic Magisterium

(Image source: screengrab) Professor Edward Peters is a reliably orthodox scholar who wants to contain the damage of the Post-Synodal Exhortation Amoris laetitia by relying on the defense of canon law, in particular Canon 915 of the new Code of Canon Law, which says: “Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or…

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