Medieval Ressourcement and the Mysticism of St. Thomas: An Appreciation of Urban Hannon’s Thomistic Mystagogy
They inhabited a mystical world whose spell could not be broken by even the most relentless logician.
They inhabited a mystical world whose spell could not be broken by even the most relentless logician.
We cannot always have access to a spiritual Father for counsel in our actions, and particularly in our doubts.
From the sermons of St. John Chrysostom and St. Augustine.
You may here discover the real secret of obtaining consolation in affliction.
The Abbot should “temper all things that the strong may have something to strive after, and the weak may not fall back in dismay.”
This symbolic way of reading the liturgy has deep roots in the Apocalypse of John, and is nothing less than the monastic habit of lectio divina applied to the liturgy.
Listen how she says to you from the foot of the Cross, where she is sorrowfully attending the last agonies of her dying Son, “Behold, I am your Mother.”
Rise thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead: and Christ shall enlighten thee. –Ephesians v. 14 We Catholics live in a world that is weary of itself and awaits liberation. A new calendar year dawns, and yet the same old thing is true. Indeed, the Apostle writes, Every creature groaneth and travaileth in pain,…