Archive for

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Viganò: Bergoglio Wishes To “Expel His Adversaries from the Church”

Yesterday, on the occasion of the Rome Film Festival, the director Evgeny Afineevsky presented a documentary called Francesco, which proposes several interviews done with Jorge Mario Bergoglio over the course of the last few years of his pontificate. Among other disconcerting statements, there are several about the legitimization of homosexual civil unions: “What we have…

courageous vigano

Archbishop Viganò on Pope’s Support of Homosexual Unions: Francis is Trying to Provoke a Schism

DECLARATION of His Excellency Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò about the documentary film Francesco Rome, October 21st, 2020 – The Vatican News website[1] has reported the news that today at the Rome Film Festival a documentary film will be screened called Francesco made by director Evgeny Afineevsky. This documentary – according to what has been reported…

Archbishop Viganò on Obedience & Fidelity to Christ’s Truth: A Reply to Vicente Montesinos

Editor’s note: Vicente Montesinos, the director and founder of the Spanish-language Catholic web portal Adoration and Liberation, wrote an open letter to His Excellency, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, published here, at the website of our friend, colleague, and brother in Christ, Marco Tosatti. Today, the good archbishop offers once again his incisive commentary by way…

Archbishop Viganò on Fratelli Tutti, Abortion Politics, and Amy Coney Barrett

Editor’s Note: The following exchange comes from an interview between John-Henry Westen of LifeSiteNews and Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. In the interest of spreading his message further, His Excellency has also provided us with a copy of the text for publication.  Please see the original interview with additional commentary at LifeSiteNews.  What is your opinon…

Archbishop Viganò: President Trump Has a “Decisive Mission” in the Current “Epochal Confrontation”

INTERVIEW BY FRANCESCO BOEZI WITH ARCHBISHOP CARLO MARIA VIGANÒ 28 September 2020, Saint Wenceslaus, Duke and Martyr Archbishop Viganò, why did you write a letter in favor of President Trump? On August 14, 2011, Pope Benedict XVI let me know that it was his conviction that at that moment my providential position was the Nunciature…

Corruption of the Best is The Worst: The Jesuits, The Church, & the Deep State

“Corruptio optimi pessima.” Saint Gregory the Great   Seeking to find any coherence of the recent action of the Society of Jesus with the original intentions of Saint Ignatius of Loyola is an arduous if not impossible task, to the point that in hindsight one considers the reconstitution of the Order in 1814 after its…

Archbishop Viganò: Is Vatican II “Untouchable”?

By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Peter Kwasniewski’s recent commentary, titled “Why Viganò’s critique of the Council must be taken seriously”, impressed me greatly. It appeared (here) on OnePeterFive, on June 29, and is one of the articles on which I have been meaning to comment: I do so now, with gratitude to the author and…

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