Archive for

Stefanie Lozinski

The LGBT Conspiracy and Eros, the Demon of Love

It’s become impossible to keep up with the activities of the relentless juggernaut known as the “LGBT community.” Seemingly every day, we see a new story more outrageous and shocking than the last. University professors and children’s book publishers are defending the practice of bringing young children to “Pride” events, not by downplaying their sex-fueled…

The Transgender Church

Even a year ago, I was completely blind to the spiritual danger of the rising transgender movement. I conceptualized transgenderism as a treatable societal malignancy, which would not cause widespread problems if it could somehow be contained within the confines of an otherwise “cisnormative” (read: normal!) society. After all, even using bloated figures from activist…

There Is No Catholicism Lite. Catholicism Is the Light.

There is an unfortunate tendency within modern-day Catholic evangelism to present the faith as a sort of Protestantism Plus. “We’re all Christians. We all worship the same God. We all revere the same Scriptures. We all are seeking to love Jesus. It’s great that you’re a Christian, but Catholicism is the fullness of Christianity –…

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