Archive for

Peter Kwasniewski, PhD

Abandoning the Church Has No Appeal for Traditionalists

Above: the west doors of Salamanca’s Catedral Nueva photographed by Fr. Lawrence, OP. During the Bergoglian captivity, one hears of Catholics losing or questioning their faith because they think: “If a pope can be so wrong, then the Catholic religion mustn’t be true.” Surely we ought to be made of sterner stuff than that. Why…

“Easy Virtue”: Comfort and Ease as Basic Givens of the Liturgical Reform

The sin of Peter recounted in Matthew 16 — “Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee” (v. 22) — is the archetype of papal sins against the Mass. Note that Peter’s “rebuke” hinges on the avoidance of the Cross. The…

Two Saints at the Start of Advent: Bibiana and Francis Xavier

In the traditional calendar, December 2 is the feast of St. Bibiana, Virgin and Martyr. Having been imprisoned for her faith, she refused the sexual advances of her jailer, and was beaten to death with lead-loaded thongs. The Collect for her feast is magnificent: Deus, omnium largitor bonorum, qui in famula tua Bibiana cum virginitatis…

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