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Peter Kwasniewski, PhD

Finding Christ in Present Sufferings Does Not Mean Embracing Abuse, Error, or Deformation

If you are prepared to object to clerical abuse, then I would ask: Is the liturgical abuse of Our Lord and of the faithful not as grave a fault? Might it not be, on the contrary, even more grave, inasmuch as it stems from and promotes indifference, disbelief, irreverence, sacrilege, toward the Holy One, Christ…

Abandoning the Church Has No Appeal for Traditionalists

Above: the west doors of Salamanca’s Catedral Nueva photographed by Fr. Lawrence, OP. During the Bergoglian captivity, one hears of Catholics losing or questioning their faith because they think: “If a pope can be so wrong, then the Catholic religion mustn’t be true.” Surely we ought to be made of sterner stuff than that. Why…

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