Archive for

Marco Tosatti

Don George and Ecclesia Dei: The Pope Prepares a Clean Sweep

Various sources are being heard from the Vatican saying two pontifical maneuvers are imminent, which will take the form of two motu proprio. The first will be to decree the elimination of the Prefecture of the Papal Household. The prefecture is the organism concerned, in general, with the appointments and audiences of the reigning pontiff,…

Tosatti: Vatican Unofficially Restricts Bishop Schneider, Cardinal Burke

The auxiliary bishop of Astana, formerly bishop of Karaganda [Kazakhstan], Athanasius Schneider, has received a verbal injunction from the Vatican asking him to reduce the frequency of his foreign trips. This measure was taken last spring; the bishop was informed in April by the Nuncio in Kazakhstan, Francis Assisi Chullikatt, of this extraordinary restriction on…

German Paper Exposes Coccopalmerio, Francis 86ing Bishop Abuse Tribunal

After the important investigation of Der Spiegel on the pope, entitled “Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness,” now another German daily, Herder Korrespondenz, which certainly not even the most frenzied Bergoglianist could condemn as conservative, is examining the authority of the Church, its questionable characters, and its ambiguities. Benjamin Leven, a well known German theologian…

Francis: ‘I Am the One Responsible for China. The Resistance Will Suffer.’

It was an “armored” press conference held by the pope [on Tuesday, September 25] on the flight that took him back to Rome after his trip to the Baltic Republics. The pope – who according to several correspondents on the plane appeared nervous and in difficulty – did not wish to respond to any questions…

On the Pope and Abuse, Who Are the Real ‘Falsifiers of the Word’?

“Pope Francis will meet with all of the Presidents of the Episcopal Conferences at the Vatican next February 21-24, ‘to speak about the prevention of the abuse of minors and vulnerable adults.’” So reported Vatican News, using the words of the assistant director of the Vatican Press Office, Paloma Garcia Ovejero, at the briefing held…

Germany and the Holy See: A Dangerous Dialogue on the Eucharist

It was a long day of meetings between the delegation of the German Bishops’ Conference and the Vatican to discuss intercommunion with Protestants, which the German Bishops have approved by a majority vote for Protestants who are married to Catholics. Notably absent from the Vatican delegation was Cardinal Robert Sarah, perhaps because of his clearly…

Pope Dissolves Order Bringing Needed Vocations to the Belgian Church

Image taken from an online petition to stop the dissolution of the Fraternity of the Holy Apostles.  The Pope signs the decree of dissolution of the Fraternity of the Holy Apostles of Brussels, which had been providing a considerable number of priests and seminarians in the ecclesial desert of Belgium. A blow carried out without…

Arnaud Beltrame, Recognized by the Church as a “Hero of Christian Charity.”

Yesterday afternoon I read an impressive document. It was the testimony of a Canon who was the friend of Arnaud Beltrame, the Lieutenant-Colonel who died after offering himself in exchange for the hostages in the Islamic terrorist attack in Trèbes, France. From what I have read, I believe that the diocese where this French hero…

Cardinal Sarah: “I Denounce the Crisis of Faith of a Betraying Clergy”

Cardinal Sarah, in Belgium, spoke about the crisis of faith on the part of the church hierarchy and did not hesitate to denounce the betrayal committed by the clergy through their lack of faith   In the last few days Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, was in Belgium for a…

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