Archive for

Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Already but not yet

The overarching context for our Sunday after the Ascension of the Lord is this: What was not assumed, was not redeemed (St. Gregory of Nazianzus). At the Annunciation, our humanity, body and soul, was taken by God the Son into an unbreakable bond with His divinity. Therefore, when Christ died and went into the tomb,…

Plain speaking

For this 5th Sunday after Easter we are still moving through John 16 and the Lord’s Last Supper Discourse as well as the Letter of James. Our Gospel readings are inexhaustible and there are always manifold treasures to unlock.  At the same time and for the sake of brevity, we will entrust ourselves to the…

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Our context for the 4th Sunday after Easter is, in the liturgical year, our preparation for the Ascension of the Lord.  Sometimes the Feast of the Ascension Thursday is given short shrift, which is unfortunate.  One could argue that transferring Ascension from Thursday to Sunday was intended to emphasize the feast by making it more…

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