1P5 Support Options

There are various ways you can financially support 1P5. We’ve listed them all on this page as a handy reference guide. As new services are offered, we’ll update this page.

First and always most-importantly, we need your tax-deductible contributions.This is by far our primary source of revenue. If you’re looking for a write-off, or just want to help us keep the lights on, please consider making a donation today. If you need help setting up an account through our donor system, you can see our walkthrough here.

For online shoppers, OnePeterFive is now registered with Amazon Smile. What does that mean? It means that Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice – in this case, 1P5.

You don’t have to do anything extra. You just need to begin your Amazon shopping here, or go to smile.amazon.com and select “One Peter Five, Inc.” as your charity of choice.  When you do, you’ll see this at the top of your screen:


If you do any portion of your shopping online through Amazon, please consider going through this gateway to help us out!

OnePeterFive also has an Amazon Affiliate storeWe have a few pages of recommended books and other items there for you to purchase, and again, any purchases made through this portal (which is different than Amazon Smile) earns us a little commission.


There’s also a OnePeterFive Merchandise Store. We’re going to continue to add products to this store as time goes on, so check back for new items. If you’ve always wanted a 1P5 Mug or t-shirt or some of our cool stickers, this is the place to get them.


Finally, the good folks at Lifeboat Coffee – the pro-life, Catholic coffee company — are working with us to private label their wide selection of coffees under our own brand – 1P5 Coffee. What does 1P5 have to do with coffee? Well, we drink a lot of it when writing. But really, it just allows us to sell you something you’d already buy while helping out a cause you believe in.



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