The 5th Annual Nellie Gray Mass Will Be Offered Friday, January 27

(Image: the opening procession of the 2015 Nellie Gray Mass)

We wanted to bring your attention to an upcoming event of some significance later this month. The Paulus Institute for the Propagation of Sacred Liturgy is once again hosting the annual Nellie Gray Mass in remembrance and for the repose of the soul of pro-life leader and March for Life founder Nellie Gray after the 2017 March for Life in Washington, D.C.

The Mass will be offered on Friday, January 27, at 3PM, at St. Mary Mother of God Catholic Church (located at 5th and H Sts. NW in Washington.) Fr. Paul Scalia, son of late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia will offer the Mass according to the 1962 Missal. The Vox in Rama Choir from the Church of the Holy Innocents in New York City will provide music for the Mass.

The Annual Nellie Gray Mass has become one of the premier opportunities for traditionally-minded Catholics from across the nation to meet and to worship together. For more information, please visit the Paulus Institute website.

A flyer for the event can be downloaded here for distribution purposes. Please spread the word!


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