Burke Offers Clarity Amidst the Confusion

Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke continues to shine as a beacon of hope for the faithful during these days of trepidation. As the Extraordinary Synod on the Family continues, Catholics are hearing a steady drumbeat of self-styled reformers calling for “pastoral solutions”, “less offensive language” and the revisiting of “alleged interpretations of dogma” in an effort…

Why is the Church’s Largest Charitable Organization Involved With Communist, Pro-Abortion Activism?

Caritas Internationalis is the largest social justice organization in the Catholic Church. It serves as a confederation of Catholic social justice and charitable organizations around the world. According to the history presented on the Caritas website: The Church describes Caritas as its official voice “in relation to its teachings in the area of charity work” To…

Ratzinger Responds

Back in 1998 the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and its prefect at the time Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, released the document “Concerning Some Objections to the Church’s Teaching on the Reception of Holy Communion by Divorced and Remarried Members of the Faithful”. While it was written over sixteen years ago, Cardinal Ratzinger was…

Synod Starts This Weekend; 1P5 Podcast is Out; Fundraising Continues!

It’s officially October, which means a yard full of leaves, pumpkin spice everything, and the Synod on Marriage and Family starts on Sunday in Rome and runs through October 19th. There are already some doctrinal clashes going in, so please add the proceedings to your prayer intentions. In case you’re not subscribed, the latest episode…

1P5 Podcast – Episode 6: Catholic Dads Roundtable

  [powerpress] ON TODAY’S EPISODE: A roundtable discussion with 1P5 contributors Elliot Bougis and Scott Broadway. Battling Cardinals heading into the Synod on Marriage and Family; Synodal expectations; Previous Vatican statements on communion for the divorced and remarried; The questionable rehabilitation of liberation theology. Relevant Links from Today’s Episode: Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off:…

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