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Here’s How to Keep Up With 1P5 Over the Holidays

Christmas is almost upon us, and then there’s the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God/Feast of the Circumcision of Jesus, followed by Epiphany. Holidays — in the truest sense of the word — abound this time of year, and for most of us, that means a good bit more time away from our computers and devices (yay!) and more time spent with family and friends.

We’ll be winding down our own publication schedule on Friday before Christmas, with some greatest hits planned to re-run next week. We’ll be keeping our eye out for breaking news, however, as the situation in Rome just doesn’t lend itself to peace and contemplation as much as we would like.

If you want to be sure not to miss anything, there are three options for you to keep up to date. I highly recommend all of them:

Join Our Mailing List

76a35108-ca38-4919-99d4-c9cf2b07692eOur mailing list currently comes in two flavors: a daily and a weekly digest. When you sign up for this, you’ll have a summary with links to all of our stories from the period of time you choose delivered right to your inbox. Our daily stories are sent out at 8PM Eastern; our weekly digest goes out on Saturday mornings. If you check email more than the website, these are great options to make sure not a single story passes you by.

You can sign up for either list — or both — right here.

Follow Our Facebook Page


Some people love Facebook, some people hate it, and some simply can’t be bothered. For us, it’s a vital platform. Our articles are widely shared on Facebook — so much so that we actually received 74% of our social traffic (over 650,000 user sessions) from just this one service in 2016. Since social traffic accounts for almost half of our total traffic, Facebook is one of our favorite places to share our stories.

We’re also incredibly, ridiculously close to 10,000 “likes” on our page. So what are you waiting for? Help us to reach the milestone by liking us here, and stay up to date in the process!

Follow Us on Twitter

Yes, Twitter is most likely a dying platform. Ham-fisted management, lack of profitability, selective censorship, and more have plagued the decade-old social media service and may end up causing its ultimate demise.

And yet, there’s just something attractive about getting your information from a firehose in 140-character chunks.

If you’re into that kind of thing, you can find us here.


Those are the main avenues to find us outside of the website itself. We do have a Pinterest page and a YouTube account, but those are updated with less frequency.

Thanks for reading, and we look forward to seeing you around the web!

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