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Church History

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Vatican II Cannot Be Separated from Its ‘Spirit’

We have heard it all before. “The Second Vatican Council was not the problem; the problem was the ‘Spirit of Vatican II.’ The documents themselves are not that bad. Modernists hijacked the confusion after the Council, Traditionalists who bash Vatican II probably don’t even know anything about the documents. Archbishop Lefebvre even signed most of…

The Filioque: A Call to the Separated East to Come Home

[1] Five Ecumenical Councils approved a letter of Patriarch St. Cyril of Alexandria that taught the Dogma of the Filioque! Cardinal St. Robert Bellarmine gives a manifest proof establishing the doctrine from the authority of five ecumenical councils: Omitting these things, then, let us bring forward the Councils that testify the Holy Spirit proceeds from…

Conspiracy and Catholic Doctrine: A Defense of Taylor Marshall

After the revelations of Theodore McCarrick and the corroboration of the Viganò testimony, all reasonable men can agree that an infiltration exists within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. Part of the solution to this grave problem is to investigate the historical roots of the crisis. To that end, Taylor Marshall’s book Infiltration argues the…

Book Review: When a Non-Catholic Defends the Church

Bearing False Witness: Debunking Centuries of Anti-Catholic History Rodney Stark Templeton Press 280 pages $19.57 hardcover, $11.17 paperback, $9.09 e-book All of us are most likely familiar with the many “crimes” that the Catholic Church has committed throughout history. Whether it be the villainous Crusades launched against the Muslims in a misguided holy war or…

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