(Image: Behind the Scenes at 1P5 HQ)
Dear Readers of 1P5,
January is quickly coming to an end, and we are in serious need of your support. As you know, we are looking to make many improvements to this humble ministry for Our Lord and at the same time provide the necessary material support of those behind it. Steve Skojec has dedicated his life to serving the Lord and His faithful people and at great personal expense. Just like you, he has many personal concerns outside of what is currently unfolding within our beloved Church. He needs our support both spiritually and financially. Steve has the concern of maintaining 1P5 and its support staff, as well as a wife and seven children that he is responsible for. In order for him to continue his excellent work in proclaiming the Truth of Christ he need’s our help. If each of us regular readers decided today to contribute $10 today and each month we would enable him to improve this ministry for Our Lord and also help his family be more secure in their basic needs in this life.
St. Paul teaches, without apologizing, in 1st Timothy: “17 Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching; 18 for the scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the grain,” and, “The laborer deserves his wages.”
Steve is not a priest, but he is certainly laboring in the field of preaching and teaching the Truth of Jesus Christ (dare I say, far more than many of the ordained are). He deserves our assistance, let us them make it our purpose to help him in this ministry and in the care of his beloved family.
Thank you for your generous support of this Holy Apostolate for Our Blessed Lord. May He grant each of us His Grace to persevere in this time of great distress and may we all rejoice together in His Kingdom Forever. Amen.
Pax Vobiscum,
Fr. RP