New Document Against Female Ordination?

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Well, the synod circus has begun. We have been already treated to the hazardous ambiguities of a strange public penitential rite (which simultaneously condemned the evil spirit of the Pharisees):

But yesterday some good news broke, which we should take with caution since, as Meloni pointed out a few months back, the St. Gallen Mafia and their chosen Pope [Francis] have been working on this project of female ordination for decades with the use of smoke and mirrors. (See the back story with our synod watch series.)

So what just happened? Catholic Sat released what appears to be his working English translation of an official update from the “Office Formerly Known as Holy.” The document, however, is not signed by Tucho “Heal Me with Your Mouth” Fernández, and (thankfully) does not appear to have the fingerprints of the latest Neo-Modernist rock stars that joined the jazz band in the Vatican dialoguing about doctrine (like homosexualist Father Maurizio Chiodi).

No, in fact, the update is actually good news. What was said? The update announces that an official document is incoming regarding female ordination. And guess what: they’re already saying this document is not going to open any doors for ordination. Here’s the money quote from this update:

We would like to share from the outset, based on the analysis conducted so far [in the Pope’s study groups]… the Dicastery judges that there is still no room for a positive decision by the Magisterium regarding the access of women to the diaconate, understood as a degree of the Sacrament of Holy Orders. The Holy Father himself recently confirmed this consideration publicly (emphasis mine).

The English translation gives the impression that this update is trying to lower expectations, which will disappoint the followers of the St. Gallen Mafia:

Catholic Sat also provided the recent quote from the Holy Father which appears to give a “hard pass” (as we say in the States) against female Sacramental ordination of any kind.

Meanwhile, Tucho “Heal Me with Your Mouth” Fernández had this to say:

[W]e know very well what the position of the Holy Father is on this matter, but there is still the possibility of in depth study, and there are other questions that need further elaboration before talking about the female diaconate as an option, otherwise the diaconate becomes a consolation prize for certain women and then the more decisive question of the participation of women in the Church will be neglected (emphasis mine).

The update appears to establish the expectation that this new document will close the door (again) on female ordination. In fact, everything that’s being said is assuming that the door is already closed (because the current Holy Father says so, even though Papa Wojtyła already closed that door with a definitive and infallible act, but I digress).

After the above quote, the update says women in the church have indeed had “authority and power” but not tied to any Sacramental ordination. The document then lists a number of great saintly women of the Church.

It is lamentable that female dignity – or human dignity in general – seems to be tied to anything about “power and authority,” since this is a presupposition of heretical Liberalism. In my view, we need to liberate women from this wicked Liberalism by re-connecting women (and men) with Our Lady.

She is conspicuous by her absence in the list of great female saints.

Only Mary can crush the devil of Feminism and truly elevate female dignity from the debasing of Liberalism and paganism to the glorious beauty of femininity that all women (and men!) need. Meanwhile, we need Marian men and women who can fight against this evil, like Dr. Alice von Hildebrand, who was truly Marian under her title “Destroyer of Heresies.” Dr. Alice (“Lily”) could truly be called the “Destroyer of Feminism.”

To that end, we invite our readers to what we’ve published in this vein and invite more submissions promoting the writings of Dr. Alice against Feminism (and other such Marian militancy against this demon, like Dr. Carrie Gress). Send submissions here: [email protected].

Mrs. Danielle Heckenkamp, “Femininity is a Gift from God

Miss Julia Houck, “Humility Saves Womanhood

A philosophical defence of femininity by Dr. Alice von Hildebrand
One of two important texts by Dr. Carrie Gress against Feminism

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