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Humility Saves Womanhood

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Above: Sistine Madonna by Raphael (1483-1502).

In modern society, it’s a common occurrence to see women fight to be equal with men. There is a sense in which equality is valid, since it is true that men and women are equal in dignity before God. But why are modern women adamant about being seen as equal in all areas of life compared to men? I think this is due to our society undervalueing the characteristics of women. A virtuous woman is compassionate, vulnerable, obedient and humble. These characteristics are not appreciated today. Why? For example, why is vulnerability seen as a weakness, when a woman’s emotions are used for greater compassion for her family and those around her, and this more than that of men? I find it quite sad at how modern society views authentic femininity, but it’s not only today’s society, it’s also some traditionalists who view women’s subordination at an extreme level. I’m here to offer a perspective on the beauty and “Privilege of Being a Woman.”

First, we must go back to where everything began; the Garden of Eden and the curses given after Adam and Eve took of the forbidden fruit.

[To the woman] I will multiply thy sorrows, and thy conceptions: in sorrow shalt thou bring forth children, and thou shalt be under thy husband’s power, and he shall have dominion over thee (Genesis 3:16).

The Garden of Eden

At the moment of Eve’s disobedience to God’s command and in giving the fruit to her husband, original sin comes into the world. God curses women to bear sorrow in their labors and to be subordinate to their husbands. Now, what do we make of the latter? Alice von Hildebrand  states in her book The Privilege of Being a Woman:

Woman has been declared to be man’s servant. She should be obedient, submissive, and accept her inferiority without revolt. To be in a subordinate position is God’s will for her. This is how she will achieve salvation (11).

The first temptation of Eve leads her to commit a great sin of pride that condemns the human race, so it is through humility that women are to be saved. She is to be saved by a holy submission to God, as Mary’s Fiat to God’s will, and submission to her husband, as a trusting and faithful spouse. God has ordained women to be saved in this way, and so he provides the graces necessary for women to act in this role. If women revolt against God’s will by looking to embrace the power of men for themselves, they will lose the chance of portraying the art of what it is to be a true woman.

Now, the Feminist thought of being inferior and “weak” comes into play. Hildebrand shares her insights on the feminist movement and their false ideologies of equality:

The feminists acknowledge the superiority of the male sex by wishing to become like men. They foolishly want to alter inequality rather than to achieve truth or justice (10).

Authentic femininity means that women must acknowledge their differences with men without neglecting their own God-given strengths and capabilities, which are not valued today. Women must seek after their true qualities that do not diminish the differences, but rather create a harmony between the sexes.

God punished Eve by proclaiming her to be ruled by Adam, and God punished Adam as well:

Because thou hast hearkened to the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat, cursed is the earth in thy work; with labour and toil shalt thou eat thereof all the days of thy life (Genesis 3:17).

The roles of how both men and women are to be saved is announced at the fall. Men are to provide and protect, while women nurture the family under his dominion. In the modern period this has meant that the husband works to support his family, while the wife cares for her children at home.

Marriage of Mary and Joseph

Humility and Obedience

John Chrysostom writes that because Eve made a bad use of her power over the man, or rather her equality with him, God made her subject to her husband.[1] Since Eve was deceived first, and Adam listened to her, she must now be under his obedience. The mystery of Christ and His Church is seen here, St Ambrose writes, because servitude of this sort is a gift from God and is to be reckoned among his blessings.[2]We can see now that by no means women are less in the eyes of our Creator because these roles are His will, His way, and His Providence for men and women to be saved. Although women are weaker than men in the order of the sexes, it is through a holy submission and humble spirit where she will be strengthened in virtue and reach sanctity. There is a strength in women where she is deemed weak.

Now, the characteristic of obedience is a big topic of discussion today and could be explained in its own article. There seems to be two extremes: modern day Feminists who seek to be higher than men and radical traditionalists who denigrate women. Both groups must understand the beauty and power of women living up to their virtuous role. Pope Pius XI say this:

This subjection does not deny or take away the liberty which fully belongs to the woman both in view of her dignity as a human person, and in view of her most noble office as wife and mother and companion; nor does it bid her obey her husband’s every request. For if the man is the head, the woman is the heart, and as he occupies the chief place in ruling, so she may and ought to claim for herself the chief place in love (Casti Connubi, 27).

Women are not “doormats,” as some traditionalists put it. Women are God’s creation and are deserving of respect as women. Yes, men are called to be the “chief” leaders in the home, but men must lead with gentleness and meekness, as Christ does His Church.

Vulnerability and Compassion

Perhaps a weakness is seen through women’s vulnerability. Quoting again from von Hildebrand:

Women have much less control over their emotions; they usually have greater sensitivity, they are more intuitive (37). No doubt feelings can be dangerous and misleading (67).

Like any virtue, we must put forth effort to overcome our weaknesses. However, if a woman trains her emotions to be more rational, rather than giving into irrational emotions of sadness or anger, for example, then she will be a woman of virtue and honor to the glory of God. Through a woman’s vulnerability, there is strength found as she cultivates more compassion for her family and those she loves. This is something that men often struggle with, but comes naturally to a woman.

The nurturing aspect of women thrives when she uses her emotions and intuition to know how to help others. Ask any mother, she will know what her child needs more than the father in common circumstances. A friend of mine shared another example in which  most female nurses show patience and love towards their patients, even when the patient is acting horribly. The instinct to help and care for others is deeply rooted in women. Von Hildebrand:

It is unwarranted to regard women as inferior because feelings play a central role in their lives. If the feelings vibrating in their hearts are noble, appropriate, good, legitimate, sanctioned, and pleasing to God, then they are precious jewels in God’s sight.

Thus, vulnerability can be used as a great strength here and should be cultivated wisely by expressing the compassion needed in each moment. Men also have the ability to show great compassion; however, women are more intuitive and express it more naturally. It is through this characteristic that a woman may help her community, while men may help in their own trade to provide as God wills.

Women’s Psyche

Another way to explain this difference is in how men and women think. In a room with an infant and a new computer, women will flock to the cradle and men will opt for the computer after having a quick glance at the child, writes Hildebrand. She then claims “the female psyche is more responsive to the personal than to the impersonal” (60). This is a tremendous strength that women carry intuitively because while abstract ideas are more suited in male thought, an idea is not as important as a person.

It is luminously clear that the one true God cannot be an “idea,” a principle. He must be a person (60).

These characteristics should be used to become truly humble before Our Lord. By following humility, we can see that Christ appears to women, revealing His resurrected body to the women first (Luke 24:10). These women were faithful and submitted themselves to His will of dying on the Cross, no matter how much discomfort and dishonor they received from the world as a result.

Though Eve condemned the human race by the first sin, it was also through a woman that humanity is saved.

I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel (Genesis 3:15).

By the seed of the woman, Jesus Christ, she crushes the head of the serpent.3 God gave Mary the power to carry our Savior into the world, and so through Mary, Our Lord crushes the serpent’s head. Let it be remembered that although Eve was led into sin first, Adam neglected his duty to protect his wife from snares. Therefore, it is not only women who neglect their femininity, but also men who do not take charge of their masculinity and lead women to truth. If men aim to follow their masculinity and women follow their femininity, society will be one of unity, instead of division and confusion like we have today.

Let Christian women live up to this precious gift of femininity and act virtuously for the Kingdom of God. I agree with Hildebrand: “Indeed, it is a privilege to be a woman.”

[1] John Chrysostom, Hom. 9 on 1 Timothy NPNF s.1 v.13.

[2] Ambrose of Milan, on Paradise 14:72.

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